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When you are a really iconic character, everyone thinks that's all you can do. It's nice to show people that I'm not a one-trick pony.
I've got so much respect for 'Bond.' It's such an iconic cultural behemoth. I love the whole story - Ian Fleming's stories are amazing.
Well, 'Terminator', it's just such an iconic movie in movie history. It's universal. I think it's part of the pop culture of the world.
It's iconic, it's Wembley. When I go running up Primrose Hill you can see the arch. It's a great thing and it's a proud spot for London.
My claim to fame has always been that iconic picture that ended up in 'The San Francisco Chronicle' of Bill Russell jumping over my head.
Batman and Superman are very different characters but they're both iconic and elemental. Finding the right story for them both is the key.
Are you loving having these great iconic stories back as much as I am? 'One Life' is back in action and I love putting my 'Blair on' again.
Iconic artists are never straight ahead. Michael Jackson loved Elvis and Burt Bacharach, and uniquely blended both of them into what he did.
My cross earrings are a mini statement; I wear them every day! My whole dream is to be iconic, and the way you dress yourself is so important.
I'm a strange kind of author - I like assignments. I wasn't clever enough to invent an iconic figure like Salander, but she's my kind of girl.
A young Brit girl with no theatre experience decided to take on an iconic American role on Broadway. Maybe I should have thought that through?
The red 'Baywatch' swimsuit is iconic. When I had my first fitting I guess it felt a bit like Superman putting on his cape for the first time.
You have an iconic character in Superman. You want to keep him vital and relevant to the audience as it evolves. So there's a creative dynamic.
Julie Andrews is so iconic, and I grew up watching 'The Sound of Music' - it's every girl's dream to play Maria, in a way, I think. That music!
The iconic life of Nelson Mandela is testament to the fact that the road to freedom is quite often long and fraught with great personal sacrifice.
Sometimes, with vocalese, I'm dealing with something, a great solo from the past, which is so iconic I can't presume to change it or mess with it.
Catwoman has an awesome, iconic personality. It's a blast to write her. You get her; she's an archetype. You can just kind of put on the cat-suit.
I never saw a true representation - an iconic hero - for myself. It just got boring, reading about all these really powerful and heroic white guys.
I've always been interested in the gangster genre, so to play Mickey Cohen was a real thrill. It's always fun to do your take on someone so iconic.
So many famous iconic American songs are protest songs, and I think that the vast majority of artists will only continue to add to that body of work.
'Seinfeld' was an amazing show. It's iconic and defined a whole generation of comedy writers - but by their own admission, that show was about nothing.
When film director T.K. Rajeevkumar cast me in the role of the iconic Rathi in the new edition of 'Rathinirvedam,' I had no idea it was such a cult film.
One trap you can fall into when playing someone iconic is to end up doing everything in an iconic way, no matter how pedestrian or mundane that thing is.
Rufio's a great iconic character for a certain generation and definitely something I'm always associated with, proud to be associated with which is cool.
I'm such a fan of Daniel Waters, who wrote the script, and also Mark Waters, his brother, who directed. 'Vampire Academy' has, I think, an iconic director.
I remember playing one of our first matches in Old Trafford, the home of Manchester United, and I remember that feeling of just being in that iconic venue.
For me, being able to say that my first-ever photo shoot was with one of the most well-known and iconic fashion photographers in the world is unbelievable.
For a century, everyone assumed that the iconic Tiffany lamps were conceived and designed by that American master of stained glass. Not so! It was a woman!
In a very real sense, I represent pop culture in an iconic way. It's been very good to me, so anything I can do to help the fans to tumble along - it's good.
I don't think all buildings have to be iconic, but the history of the world has shown us that cultures build iconic buildings for their major public buildings.
My mom was truly an iconic figure, a great journalist and a pioneering woman who died at 54 of cancer without ever having revealed to viewers that she was ill.
That's the ultimate goal for any fighter, to fight in those big casinos, on that strip in Las Vegas, Madison Square Garden, New York - all those iconic venues.
Every DC or Marvel property is constantly getting reinvented because we love these characters. They're so iconic, and we want to watch them over and over again.
I grew up in the dark ages, pre-digital, when everyone would wait for a magazine each month to see these models who became legendary and iconic, like Kate Moss.
Here in Barcelona, it's the architects who built the buildings that made the city iconic who are the objects of admiration - not a bunch of half-witted monarchs.
If I could collaborate with any artist, I would want it to be like Marvin Gaye. Someone like who they wouldn't expect me to do a feature with, like, very iconic.
I think I'd be a million times more successful and more iconic if I was a singer in the '40s. I'd be allowed a level of mystery, and I think I'd suit that decade.
We're taking the top iconic characters and bringing them to life as toys that our players can buy. We know that our players would like to play in both dimensions.
Some said he shouldn't save Detroit. But President Obama made the tough and right call to save more than a million American jobs in an important, iconic industry.
With Mass Effect we said, "Let's reflect the fact that you can be almost anyone, do almost anything, but..." In our minds, we always felt the character was iconic.
I have never really gotten to write Catwoman. She's one of the few iconic females at DC, along with Supergirl, that I haven't really gotten to take out for a spin.
Part of the joy of my career, for me, has been giving these iconic females a bit of shading of that unapologetic female vibe. I think it's an interesting approach.
Some people have iconic directors in their mind, or they want to make particular styles of films they have seen before. I think this is a waste of time and energy.
I did 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare' as Gaz, then I did Ghost in 'Modern Warfare 2,' which has become one of the most iconic figures in the history of computer games.
I think also there's no question that Lincoln has been diluted down through history in some way, almost by becoming as iconic as he is, in a way he's become diluted.
The most iconic applause I've ever seen is from a Michael Jackson show in Japan - his entrance is actually 15 minutes long, and the crowd is clapping the whole time.
Iconic Paris tells us: here are our three-star attractions, go thou and marvel. And so we gaze obediently at what we are told to gaze at, without exactly asking why.
It's a huge challenge, a huge responsibility. Bond is a huge iconic figure in movie history. These opportunities don't come along very often so I thought, 'Why not?'
When I started out in this business, I really wanted to become iconic, but I'm glad that didn't happen. I like to do things like travel on public transport unnoticed.
I knew I could never give up on music. Completely devoid of any religious or iconic context, I felt like music was handed down to me - this is what I was going to do.