I am so dedicated, so passionate, and that counts for more than what crazy people throw at me.

I am not a Q candidate but it's crazy to see how advocating for the safety of children makes me such a target.

'Kya Supercool'... is a mad comedy that sees me in a crazy role. I am thrilled with my role and the way I performed.

I think people just think I am crazy because they see me doing stand-up, but I am generally not. I am very sad. I'm one of those guys that lights candles and listens to Rachmaninoff.

I am not a person who tries on in the stores. It drives me crazy. So I buy and take back if I don't like something. I really don't enjoy being in the dressing room. I rather just try it on in my house.

Wherever I go - like, I go to elementary schools, I go to middle schools - wherever it is, if it's in Florida, if it's up in New England, I just feel like wherever I am, the kids always go crazy whenever they see me.

As far as celebrity, people don't stop me on the street and know who I am. It's more like, 'Doesn't she remind you of so-and-so's ex-girlfriend?' It's always somebody's ex-girlfriend. Somebody ex-girlfriend who's 'crazy.'

I am not going to sit here and disrespect Tottenham one bit because what they have done for me over the years is fantastic, and I am more than grateful. The way they have made the stepping stones in the right direction over the years I have been there is crazy.

I am such a fiery woman and I am a real passionate woman and I get so much stuff built up inside of me that I can release all that on stage, and I kind of counterbalance it with the normal Maria that I am because with the real calming, natural kind of earthy spirit stuff and it kind of balances me out so I don't go too crazy.

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