I am a confident player, and a lot of people might look at it like, 'Oh, another cocky attitude,' but I don't look at it that way.

When I left the band I said Look, I am ready to move on. I was interested in playing with some of the other people that I had bee a studio musician with.

Most people say I look mean, and because I play so many tough roles and because of my size and my martial arts background, they think I am, but I'm really not.

I've realized that these people you look up to - watching Aaron Rodgers, watching Tom Brady - they're humans just like I am. They can make mistakes. They're just people.

I obviously don't feel under pressure to look young, because I have had no Botox or surgery. I don't judge people who choose to have it, but I don't want to erase who I am.

Because I play in NBA, I am like ambassador of Yugoslavia. Los Angeles before, nobody hear of Yugoslavia. Now I think much people who look at basketball hear of Yugoslavia.

I can wear a baseball cap; I am entitled to wear a baseball cap. I am genetically pre-disposed to wear a baseball cap, whereas most English people look wrong in a baseball cap.

When it comes to being in a band or going solo, one is collaborative, and one is not. But generally speaking, when going solo, I am the boss. People can contribute ideas, but I am the boss. When collaborating, you make compromises and look for a common ground.

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