Wives live longer than husbands because they're not married to women.

It's always tough when you're fighting with your husband on the court.

My husband is everything to me and without him it's just not the same.

I have too much work on my hands and I would not be a dutiful husband.

I am happy to know that my husband regards me as a woman and a person.

And to thy husband's will Thine shall submit; he over thee shall rule.

When my husband died in 2006, I didnt want to be Mitzi Gaynor anymore.

A husband should only be a part of your life and not your entire life.

Part of being married is knowing when your husband needs your support.

The road to success is filled with women pushing their husbands along.

[When asked how many husbands she had had:] My own, or other people's?

The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together.

Being a husband and a dad are the two most important things in my life.

Money is great, but it doesn't make your husband stay at home with you.

Do not grieve so much for a husband lost that it wastes away your life.

[When asked if her husband was still living:] It's a matter of opinion.

He can cook and give good massages. What more do you need in a husband?

You aren't a true husband/man until you've done the work of a wife/women

I do not believe the accusations against my husband, not for one second.

As a husband, your love for your wife has a specific goal: her holiness.

I'm very open with my business partners, just like I am with my husband.

I make clothes for a woman who is not swayed by what her husband thinks.

My husband is so gregarious and open and funny and such a people person.

Nowadays beautiful women are counted among the talents of their husbands.

After my husband John Lennon passed away, I tried to smile for my health.

A husband is what's left of a sweetheart after the nerve has been killed.

Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.

The most popular labor-saving device today is still a husband with money.

A husband is what is left of a lover, after the nerve has been extracted.

[On husband Gavin Rossdale:] We're a perfect couple. He cooks, and I eat.

The wife of a self-admirer must expect a very cold and negligent husband.

My husband thinks he's compromising if we have one cook instead of three.

HUSBAND, n. One who, having dined, is charged with the care of the plate.

It's a terrible thing for a man when his woman gangs up on him wi' a toad

The powerful men in my life have always believed in me: my husband, my son

A man should be taller, older, heavier, uglier, and hoarser than his wife.

There is no association richer than the companionship of husband and wife.

I'm not a big Woody Allen fan, but thought 'Husbands and Wives' was great.

I was probably a terrible husband, but I pride myself on being a good dad.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your husband is your own wholeness.

I want to be remembered as, I hope, an amazing husband and a great father.

I signed up for the musical Tommy in the West End, where I met my husband.

Guns don't kill people, husbands who come home early from work kill people

A lover may be a shadowy creature, but husbands are made of flesh and blood

I have a husband at home who doesn't care about politics or global affairs.

Whenever I fail as a father or husband... a toy and a diamond always works.

Give love to your children, to a wife or husband, to a next-door neighbour.

I have lots of heroes and heroines, mostly unsung and including my husband.

If you want a successful marriage, let your husband do what he wants to do.

I know I began as a passion and have ended as a habit , like all husbands .

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