I have to say that my husband and my children are so tough, there really is no space for pretension.
What's funny is my husband doesn't have any tattoos at all, so he must be the very conservative one.
The American girl makes a servant of her husband and then finds him contemptible for being a servant
My husband was just OK looking. I was in labor and I said to him, 'What if she's ugly? You're ugly.'
Well, my husband is supportive of my work, like advocating for dialogue between cultures on YouTube.
My husband is very supportive - he wants me to work but understands I also want to be with the kids.
In marriage, a man becomes slack and selfish, and undergoes a fatty degeneration of his moral being.
My main focus is on becoming a new mom and giving the best of myself to my husband and growing baby.
What are my sources of strength? My husband and my three kids, my health-care team, and my religion.
I have a husband who literally worships me. And cleans the house. And blow-dries my daughter's hair.
My husband and my children inspire me on a daily basis to be the best wife, mom, and woman I can be.
Yes, I was in love with my husband at first sight and still am. We have the most solid relationship.
I feel terrible for women that have had Phil Collins tattoos. Their poor husbands have to deal with.
I never saved my money. Whenever I worked in the past, I would spend it on my family or my husbands.
The first lady is, and always has been, an unpaid public servant elected by one person, her husband.
My husband had an education. He had a degree in Literature. I married into a camp of literary types.
Some women govern their husbands without degrading themselves, because intellect will always govern.
Your husband is lazy if coffee doesn't keep him awake - even when it's hot and being spilled on him.
I will never contest election in Nigeria. Whenever my husband retires, I will go back home with him.
We bar girls don't cheat on wives, we are just the rope that cheating husbands hang themselves with.