It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.

It's not love's going hurts my days But that it went in little ways.

Solomon got more hurt by his wealth, than he got good by his wisdom.

Complacency by the watchdogs hurts both taxpayers and beneficiaries.

I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have too - Tally Youngblood

A poor surgeon hurts one person at a time. A poor teacher hurts 130.

Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.

Forcing women in or near land combat will hurt recruiting, not help.

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can hurt like hell.

Don't ever write a novel unless it hurts like a hot turd coming out.

As long as you're not hurting anyone, your choices are your choices.

He who is or has been deeply hurt has a RIGHT to be sure he is LOVED.

The best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people

Sheep hurt my father, and through my father, sheep have also hurt me.

All that peace, man, if felt so good it hurt. I want to hurt it back.

Why are we so blind to see that the only ones we hurt are you and me?

The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men.

Where exactly do you put your hands on somebody who hurts everywhere?

Bitterness is the coward's revenge on the world for having been hurt.

With the physical mindset I play the game with, I expect to get hurt.

Today is going to be free of the past. Today, the past can't hurt me.

I'm pretty conservative on a lot of things. I don't want to get hurt.

Play fair. Don't hit people. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

Pink Friday Eminem 8 Mile, It must hurt to sell your album on Paypal.

My biggest fear is love and getting hurt in love but still believing.

When your feet start to hurt, place yourself in someone else's shoes.

You'll never get to a person's soul until you understand their hurts.

When you're the strong one, people don't give you permission to hurt.

I guess karma comes back around 'cause now I'm the one that's hurting

Bella, can you drop the rock, please? Carefully. Don’t hurt yourself.

It does not hurt weak eyes to look into beautiful eyes never so long.

Children are like fingers. No matter which finger you bite, it hurts.

I don't smoke. Smoking will hurt you when you try to run out a triple.

We are slow to believe that which if believed would hurt our feelings.

I had to fight; I had to fall, and I had to get hurt to be where I am.

In my insides, it really hurts if someone doesn't like me. It's silly.

A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me.

Cry my eyes out for days upon days Such a heaven burden placed upon me

Those who write software only for pay should go hurt some other field.

We are slow to believe that which if believed would hurt our feelings.

Poets... are literal-minded men who will squeeze a word till it hurts.

I've thrown enough punches in my life to know when someone is hurting.

I haven't hurt you ... if I have, it's the faithful wound of a friend.

I don't deserve a soul, yet I still have one. I know because it hurts.

Ale, man, ale's the stuff to drink for fellows whom it hurts to think.

Could have called back just to say som' I'm fall back in the bass drum

Have you ever had your ass whooped on by a black man before? It hurts!

I want people to love me, but it's not going to hurt me if they don't.

Art is one thing that can go on mattering once it has stopped hurting.

Do what you need to do and if it hurts too much obviously don't do it.

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