If you can find humour in anything, you can survive it

Humour is the best way to make the unbearable bearable.

My style is somewhere between that of Tal and Petrosian

Humour has always been a self-defence mechanism for me.

Humour is the shortest road from one person to another.

Apparently, I have a totally different sense of humour.

HOMŒOPATHIST, n. The humorist of the medical profession.

When someone doesn't have a sense of humour, it kills me.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you smell like Magnus.

At home I've got a very puerile, juvenile sense of humour.

Politics has friendship, enmity, intrigue and even humour.

Mum and Dad have both got very well-tuned senses of humour.

The hall-mark of American humour is its pose of illiteracy.

We are specially designed to appeal to the sense of humour.

I like someone with a really good and dark sense of humour.

I like a man with a nice, self-deprecating sense of humour.

Where I cannot satisfy my reason, I love to humour my fancy.

Taking the humour out of Dickens, it's not Dickens any more.

Whenever you find humour, you find pathos close by its side.

Deep poignant pathos can be described better in dark humour.

I love the humour of the British and I love the countryside.

Sure, there's no 'i' in team, but there is an 'm' and an 'e'.

Humour is the be-all and end-all medicine of human existence.

Rod has such a wicked sense of humour. I loved him very much.

The most important quality in a partner is a sense of humour.

everybody fancies they have that rare thing, a sense of humour.

Cling tight to your sense of humour. You will need it every day.

Humour can always be found in a place where there's fearlessness.

People will be surprised to learn that I've got a sense of humour.

I have a robust sense of humour which helps me deal with problems.

Every culture loves scatological humour. That's always a favourite.

I'm always impressed by confidence, kindness and a sense of humour.

That's my family; we have a very British sense of humour, very dry.

Humour is...the all-consoling and...the all-excusing, grace of life.

Northern Irish people tend to have this sharp, dark sense of humour.

musicians rarely have a sense of humour, at least, about themselves.

Honestly, I have a decent sense of humour with people I am close to.

As soon as I got funny, I killed any majestic intentions in my work.

Laughter crosses boundaries of class and age... Humour is universal.

Why can't people credit that he and all of us had a sense of humour?

What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again

Sometimes humour is all we have to say the things that can't be said.

When you absolutely don't know what to do anymore, it is time to panic

Creativity and lateral thinking have exactly the same basis as humour.

Was ever woman in this humour wooed? Was ever woman in this humour won?

The best thing about humour is that it shows people they are not alone.

Humour is human. Why? Well, because the Philosopher, Aristotle, says so.

I have a great sense of humour. I am teasing, taunting and authoritative.

I've just got a really sick sense of humour that's separate from reality.

I think, for me, humour needs to be used like a strong spice - sparingly.

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