There are still so many questions to answer. When you look at any part of the universe, you have to feel humbled.

I'm doing pretty good for myself, and I'm very proud and very humbled at where I'm at, and I'm extremely blessed.

I am humbled and truly honored to be the recipient of The Key to the City and my own day by the District of Columbia.

Nelson Mandela is awe inspiring - a person who really sacrificed for what he believed in. I feel truly humbled by him.

I'm honored and humbled to win the Nobel Prize. I thank all my friends for the support and assistance throughout my life.

In all seriousness, I'm flattered and humbled to have been asked to reprise my role as Luke in the 'Veronica Mars' movie.

I am humbled by the opportunity to serve the people of West Tennessee, but I never intended to become a career politician.

In reporting, you will often be humbled by the courage others have in telling and trusting you with their tale, no two alike.

I hope that my story, I hope that my life is... an encouragement for people, especially in Brooklyn. I feel humbled and blessed.

A lot of us take the game for granted, but that's not the case for me. I'm truly humbled by the game and when I say it, I mean it.

I am humbled by the prospect of serving those who have borne the battle, those American men and women who have sacrificed so much.

I am supremely humbled to receive the 40 Under Forty honor by Stony Brook University in the category of Civil Service and Activism.

India is special, and its beauty absolutely humbled us. When we toured there as Major Lazer, it was mind-blowing to see our fan-base.

I am humbled and inspired by the ultimate sacrifice made by so many Mississippians on behalf of our nation, and the families they left behind.

I am humbled and grateful for the four years the people of the state of Nevada have given me as governor and I am proud of the work we all did.

This experience has also humbled me by giving me a true understanding of what millions of others face each day in their own fight against cancer.

I'm incredibly humbled that the leader of the modern liberty movement and strong conservative leader Congressman Ron Paul is backing our campaign.

I am humbled to be selected as a TiE Star recipient and to be included among such an esteemed group of true innovators and intrepid entrepreneurs.

I didn't know how to deal with real life issues the right way as a humble human being until I was humbled to the point of being put in a jail cell.

I am humbled at the fact that I always get great support and reviews from my critics, but it's the film that requires to be good enough for it to work.

I am deeply honored and humbled to represent the people of Hawai'i and will continue to do my best to bring the spirit of aloha to our nation's capital.

Humility is a grace that shines in a high condition but cannot, equally, in a low one because a person in the latter is already, perhaps, too much humbled.

Humility is always a good thing. It's always a good thing to be humbled by circumstances so you can then come from a sincere place to try to deal with them.

We didn't really expect to achieve anything outside of the UK, and it just went crazy. It's just crazy that people know our music. We're just humbled by it.

I'm very humbled by the fact that I do have so much to say, and I just hope that my walk, my honesty, will make a difference for people and maybe motivate them.

I've been humbled by the strong support and deeply moved by the positive response from folks in every corner of North Carolina who agree we need new leadership.

I wouldn't call myself successful, just obsessively exhausted. The music makes me smile, the movies make me feel humbled, and the comedy saves my life every day.

And if you think this young boy, from Dallas, Texas, is adding to the canon of theater arts, of performing arts, of cinema, well I'm humbled and I'm very excited.

I was shocked and surprised and very humbled that the Hall Of Fame came about. Going into it and coming out of it, all the support has been amazing; it really has.

I know I don't look like the skinny slender model. I know I look a little different but people like to watch me for some reason. It feels good and I'm humbled by it.

I've heard legends and maestros praise my voice. It's overwhelming. I'm a nobody who shouldn't be at the receiving end of the such comments, and I'm extremely humbled.

At the Norman Invasion, the Saxon thanes were themselves humbled in turn; the manors were given a more legal character and transferred to favourites of William the Conqueror.

Between Clive Owen winning at the Golden Globes and the British Academy announcing its nominations, of which Sideways received only one, I'm feeling pretty humbled these days.

I am humbled that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be inducting me into the WWE Hall of Fame. The kindness and support that Arnold has shown me over the years is truly overwhelming.

To the veterans in Mississippi and across the nation, thank you for your bravery and commitment to preserving this great country. I am truly honored and humbled by your service.

South Sudan is my home, and I am humbled to be in a position to help those suffering from lack of access to basic needs, especially the children facing severe acute malnutrition.

As someone who grew up in a logging and rail town and hiking in Glacier National Park, I am honored and humbled to be asked to serve Montana and America as secretary of interior.

I'm humbled by the honor that President Clinton has done me in nominatinq me as Attorney General of the United States, and I'm going to do my very best to deserve his confidence.

While I have some regrets that this is my last opportunity to deliver a State of the State address, I appreciate and am humbled by the opportunities this great state has given me.

Prison has humbled me in a lot of ways, because when you go to prison, I became 11 R 2024 you know, I wasn't Ja Rule the superstar. I wasn't any of that. I was just a regular inmate.

If I've gotten to a point where people want to see something because I'm in it, I'm grateful and humbled. But having an awareness of that doesn't help me do what I need to do, I think.

Thank you to Josh Harris for the trust he has placed in me to lead the 76ers. I am humbled by the challenge and will work tirelessly to win the hearts of Philadelphia's legendary fans.

To go to hospitals and see people fight and overcome cystic fibrosis or cancer or any number of illnesses is to see courage that is humbling. And athletes constantly need to be humbled.

I feel extremely honoured and humbled that people are showing me so much love. My fans have stood by me through thick and thin, and I think this love is what makes my concerts house-full.

I think once you start to think that you're the man, and you know it all, and your style is unbeatable and stuff like that, that's when you get caught and clipped and get humbled really fast.

Humbled by the fact that never in a million years would I ever thought that I would be on the same stage with all these great Hall of Famers and enshrined to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

I don't think I've ever been as humbled as I have been in Pilates. It's incredible how much body control and how much isolated strength you have to have to complete these movements successfully.

The God we serve does not seek out the perfect, but instead uses our imperfections and our shortcomings for his greater good. I am humbled by my own limitations. But where I am weak, He is strong.

For anyone who feels they are overwhelmed by their job, or maybe they take their job too seriously or are working too hard, I say go to a safari, particularly the Okavango Delta, and just be humbled.

I've been very grateful and humbled by the fact that young people really dig Joy Division's music. It's a great testament to the chemistry and the songwriting prowess between the four original members.

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