I'm a human being. I'm not perfect.

To err is human, to forgive supine.

How embarrassing it is to be human.

I'm inconsistent because I'm human.

Every human being is a work of art.

Amiable weaknesses of human nature.

Secular humanism debases the human.

I'm still human - I can't not feel.

I'm a rapper but I'm a human being.

Human beings are curious by nature.

I have work to do as a human being.

No human on God's earth is a nobody.

Humans are very imaginative animals.

I foster a lot. Not humans, animals.

Human nature is disposed to do good.

You are my cat, and I am your human.

Human action is purposeful behavior.

Never underestimate human stupidity.

Touch is the meaning of being human.

I'm pretty mutable as a human being.

Human beings are just gene machines.

You can't be a human without seeing.

What's important is to remain human.

The Human is the most insane species

Wilderness begins in the human mind.

Human beings are fundamentally good.

All human eyes have longing in them.

I'm just a spirit trying to be human.

...fact takes no heed of human hopes.

Trust is the ultimate human currency.

We must make working life more human.

To write is human, to edit is divine.

Writers are engineers of human souls.

Women and men are equal human beings.

To err is human. To loaf is Parisian.

If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.

Human beings are not black and white.

Any human being has private thoughts.

Sometimes I want to be human for you.

Data can actually make us more human.

What has happened to the adult human?

Truth is disputable, not human taste.

Human Nature Baby, grab it and growl.

I am not an image. I am a human being.

The only race I know is the human one.

I find humans tremendously interesting

There's no human censorship at kiosks.

I didn't want to lose the human scale.

Hope burns eternal in the human heart.

Physical contact is a human necessity.

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