Where there are breaches of human rights, you need to speak out about it, no matter where it is.

Human rights is a universal standard. It is a component of every religion and every civilization.

Democracy in Myanmar cannot be achieved with discrimination and gross violations of human rights.

Freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law... are universal values of the human spirit.

I have spoken to Chinese leaders occasionally on human rights, but I've always done it in private.

North Americans do not understand that you do not throw down human rights like bombs on the Iraqis.

Countries often prioritise economic interests over human rights - hence all the kowtowing to China.

I believe that it is girls' human rights to go to school to be educated, minimum, until they are 18.

We also intend to deal with the issue of incorporating basic human rights into our new constitution.

The only situation that I can't be in favour of is the lack of respect to human rights in Venezuela.

Being a humanitarian, supporting animal rights activists, human rights activists, it's all the same.

At the Carter Center we work with victims of oppression, and we give support to human rights heroes.

During most of the Bush administration, human rights and democracy in Egypt were on the front burner.

If Rosa Parks had taken a poll before she sat down in the bus in Montgomery, she'd still be standing.

I'd personally like to see the Human Rights Act go because I think we have had some problems with it.

There cannot be any concessions on the matter of human rights or the criteria for visa liberalisation.

Cultural variety is always worth striving for, but must never precede the declaration of human rights.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most systematic and widespread human rights violations.

While supporting human rights in another country is important, fighting for our own safety is crucial.

My mother, for the last 20 years anyway, would not call herself a Marxist but a human rights activist.

There is a broad movement that has been holding companies accountable on human rights for a long time.

It is very deplorable that North Korea still does not uphold human rights, which are universal values.

The Human Rights Act is a really important constitutional document, it isn't just a villain's charter.

We can never afford to be complacent; there is no such thing as security when it comes to human rights.

We must do all we can to help improve the deplorable human rights situation of the North Korean people.

Wars can be resolved. Human rights atrocities can be stopped. We just have to apply the right policies.

The U.S. government engages with many countries around the world in official dialogues on human rights.

America should always stand for human rights and freedom, but not through endless military intervention.

If access to health care is considered a human right, who is considered human enough to have that right?

I am waiting for the day when the German Bundestag debates the violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia.

The idea of human rights as a fundamental principle can be seen to underlie throughout Islamic teachings.

I've always been passionate about human rights in general. I think anyone who knows me can attest to that.

If we support human rights, we cannot ignore legalized brutality against any group of our global community.

My vision is a Malawi where men and women live in peace and in harmony as equals enjoying their human rights.

I used to be a human rights lawyer and acted for many black Londoners who had been victims of discrimination.

You don't have to be the same as anybody else, but you can support - just concerning human rights in general.

Young people, throughout history, have always been the lifeblood of every movement for civil and human rights.

Human rights are not worthy of the name if they do not protect the people we don't like as well as those we do.

We will not keep silent, even if the Formula One is taking place. We will protest for human rights and freedom.

Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.

There was a time that human rights was not even an issue in this country. Then prisoners' rights became an issue.

Those religions that are oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.

The first piece of advice I would have from my experience is that governments need to be vocal about human rights.

Nobody and nothing will stop Russia on the road to strengthening democracy and ensuring human rights and freedoms.

Akbar Ganji is a human rights activist in Iran and he works on freedom of expression and he does his job very well.

I just believe in standing up for people and against discrimination. I consider myself an advocate for human rights.

Japan and Australia share the universal values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental human rights.

Human rights represent absolute and universal values. They should be protected by all means we have at our disposal.

Business has a responsibility and opportunity to be the driving force for the advancement of universal human rights.

Good or bad people can be democratically elected, but it is always easy to fight for human rights under this system.

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