I feel like I was kind of raised to be mechanical, like, 'Hi, I'm Brooke Hogan. I'm Hulk Hogan's daughter. I like cookies and sunshine.'

When I was a little kid, I used to watch with my brother when there was Macho Man and Hulk Hogan. But then I fell out of it for a few years.

I feel that everyone has a Hulk inside, and each of our Hulks is both scary and, potentially, pleasurable. That's the scariest thing about them.

Historically, Vince McMahon's company has always been where the Hulk Hogans get the push and the Paul Orndorffs and Jake Roberts does the pushing.

Professional wrestling, the WWE, and being in the Hall of Fame represent such a large part of Hulk's life, as does his connection to the audience.

If I was going to build a logical defense for myself in a match against Hulk Hogan, I think I would try to work on his legs. Take out any mobility.

The one thing Marvel does is think outside the box, going all the way back to Ang Lee directing the first 'Hulk.' They like to go outside the genre.

What makes Hulk afraid? It's himself. It's a version of himself that's weak. It's a version of himself that's vulnerable. It's a child inside of him.

When I was a kid, everybody loved Hulk Hogan, right? 'Eat your vitamins. Eat your vegetables.' Everybody over 25 hated him because he was corny, right?

I don't think anybody else can play the Hulk like I could. I was able to show emotions even with all of the makeup. I don't think it can be duplicated.

As a kid, I fell in love with the 'Creature from the Black Lagoon.' I don't know why. I liked the werewolf, Gamera, The Hulk, but I loved the Creature.

I don't think there's anything that defines WrestleMania more than Hulk Hogan and The Rock standing across from each other and the crowd going ballistic.

First, I was doing the singing, and because I was Hulk Hogan's daughter, everyone was like, 'Oh, it's handed to her. Oh, she looks like a wrestler herself.'

I like to think I'm pretty smart with what I was able to do academically, but whenever I get on the field I turn into the Incredible Hulk and I am unstoppable.

Ang Lee and 'Hulk,' for instance - a movie about a guy with different-colored skin and a lot of repressed rage? Sounds like the perfect film for an Asian, to me!

Long before the late '90s, being a pro-wrestler was a dream of mine. At that time, I was going around the block, searching for VHS tapes so I can watch Hulk Hogan.

I remember 'Wrestlemania 6' with The Ultimate Warrior against Hulk Hogan. It was so cool to see those guys go in there and the fans getting into the match so much.

WCW started basically buying talent created by Vince McMahon because that's what they did with Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and myself and gave us contracts.

For Hollywood to make 'Spider-Man,' only to redo the movie a couple years later, just boggles the mind. To recast 'The Incredible Hulk' for a third time? I don't get it.

I've been having a lot of fun with the Hulk motion-capture stuff, actually. The only distinction that I hold is that I am the only actor to ever play Banner and the Hulk.

I would be so happy to be Young Hulk. I cannot even explain to you. That would be so dope. He was my favorite Marvel hero, and the fact that Mark Ruffalo plays him is sick.

I respect Hulk Hogan because his career lasted some 30 odd years. I think I lasted about 15, but during my peak years, I took the business to a height it never seen before.

I wasn't a wrestling fan growing up; I knew who Hulk Hogan was and stuff but I didn't watch it. I started watching wrestling about three years before I got involved with WCW.

Being at Wrestlemania 6, I remember being completely in shock and dumbfounded when Hulk Hogan missed the leg drop and Warrior hit the splash and got the 1-2-3. I was devastated.

The Hulk is not basically violent, but only reacts violently when a threat is perceived. He has a certain passion for life. He is drawn towards kids and animals and the downtrodden.

Wrestling has become its own thing separate from what it was in the past and now when people think of pro wrestlers they don't think of Hulk Hogan, they're thinking of guys like me.

Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant. I remember watching WrestleMania with my family and friends on TV... 93,000 people in the Silverdome. When Hogan picked up Andre, I got goosebumps.

I talk about Hulk Hogan being in my corner back in the day... Back in the day, if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, I don't know if Booker T and Stevie Ray would've gotten the push that we got.

Hulk Hogan was a little different character. He wants to be Hulk Hogan and everything, which was good. I was proud of him and I helped him with what he needed to know and stuff like that.

I gravitated to the pro wrestlers and the grappling - Hulk Hogan 'hulking up' always looked cornball to me - and I wanted to see Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, and Harley Race go move-for-move.

Even though I wrestled Ric Flair very early on in my career, it was a short match, so getting to wrestle him later on in my career was a benchmark. Wrestling Hulk Hogan was a benchmark for me.

People have called me Superman my whole life. In various sports, that seems to be the common theme. My favorite superhero is actually the Incredible Hulk. He's the only superhero that can't die.

It's really interesting that, in 'The Avengers,' the character that people relate to is The Hulk, and I think the reason why they relate to The Hulk is because he's fragile and human and faulty.

I remember the first time I met Hulk Hogan was at a hotel somewhere in Cleveland. My bags were really heavy and he walked over and helped me. He even knew my name, so that was a big thrill for me.

'Iron Man' was this fun, poppy thing bound to make a zillion dollars. And we were the other side of a superhero movie. More complex with The Hulk being this complex character - that's what it was.

From a kid who didn't come from much success growing up but watched Muhammad Ali and Hulk Hogan, to where I am today... I tell kids, 'You can achieve anything you want as long as you stick with it.'

All morning they watched for the plane which they thought would be looking for them. They cursed war in general and PTs in particular. At about ten o'clock the hulk heaved a moist sigh and turned turtle.

TNA has had a lot of great periods - Hulk Hogan even came in, but I don't think he was beneficial to TNA. They spent a lot of money on him, but made a lot of mistakes. They should have saved that money for me.

So many of us can recall growing up with Gene Okerlund as the voice of our childhoods while interviewing the likes of Andre The Giant, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Sting, and others.

The mythos of superheroes is our mythos today. They are American myths. 'Captain America,' 'Iron Man,' 'Hulk' - these are the biggest movies in the world. But sometimes, superhero movies can be a little bit thin.

People always expect Hulk Hogan to be standing up straight, or to have the bandanna on, or to not have my arms covered up. If I have an extra large shirt on people go 'oh yeah you look small.' It kind of ruins the mystique.

When they first asked me to do 'Hulk,' my first instinct was to say no because I didn't think I had anything to say with the character, especially when they said, 'Please do what you did with 'Daredevil,' whatever that was.'

I owe my start in professional wrestling to the red-headed kid from 'The Partridge Family.' I was discovered by Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, and Ric Flair in Chicago when I was introduced to those three gentlemen by Danny Bonaduce.

I have the largest collection of Hulk memorabilia in the world - everything from toilet paper, wallpaper, bicycles - all boxed up at my house in Northern California. I've had it for so long, I think it might be time to sell it.

The Hulk was a unique character because of his strength and power. He doesn't have a costume like Spiderman or like Superman - The Hulk is more visual. His passion and his strength, that is what separates him from anything else.

When the script for 'The Wrestler' kept coming to me I said, This movie is so good if you put me in the film as a wrestler people are going to say, 'No credibility, Hulk Hogan isn't a good actor,' whatever Hollywood thinks of me.

The only thing Hulk Hogan ever knew was how to make Hulk Hogan. He couldn't tell you how to make AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. What's Hulk Hogan going to tell Samoa Joe? He doesn't know anything to even tell him; he's got zero to offer.

The best ones - Hulk Hogan believes in Hulkamania. It's not a thing he's selling here. It's real. He knows it's real because he goes to the Mall Of America and everybody goes insane, right? Wrestling is real. Those characters are real.

I lose tons of stuff on the cutting room floor. For Scary Movie 3, for example, we had a lot of Matrix spoofs, a Hulk scene, and some of that stuff just doesn't hold up - it's too much plot, audiences just didn't want to hear about it.

All of a sudden, Hulk Hogan has become retro. Hulk Hogan has become cool again. So to come out and to hear how loud the fans are. To hear how loyal the fans are, it's truly overwhelming. I just can't believe I've been reborn in the WWE.

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