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I'd imagine my wedding as a fairy tale... huge, beautiful and white.
A lot of artists that I've met let me know they're huge fans of mine.
Literature plays a huge role in examining difficult real-life issues.
Tabloid newspapers are very rich and hold huge funds to fight claims.
I love 'Harry Potter.' I'm a huge nerd - I would dress up if I could.
I think you're only free if you're working on very low or huge money.
That memory of making the record is a huge part of the record itself.
I've always loved baking - it's a huge part of who I am and what I do.
Video games are a huge, incredibly popular, world-transforming medium.
The travel and tourism industry, it's just a huge part of our economy.
It's been a huge blessing, being able to travel and have a great life.
I've got huge affection for Everton. It was my life for over a decade.
A huge constituency, such as Hispanics, is not 100 percent Democratic.
I'm against this huge globalisation on the basis of economic advantage.
It might be a huge hit, it might not; but you learn something doing it.
I don't want a huge wedding. I don't want it to be some huge spectacle.
Often, a seemingly clear clean beach has a huge amount of hidden litter.
I'm not a huge award type person, that's not really what lights my fire.
Bette Davis in All About Eve was huge for me. Her acting was staggering.
There is a huge stigma around people who are online making money online.
Mere allocation of huge sums of money for quality will not bring quality.
I'm a huge believer in science. But I don't think it explains everything.
Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.
I'm too small for the universe to revolve around me. It is a huge relief!
Both music and acting are huge parts of my life - it's all about balance.
There is a huge amount of wealth that's generated here in Silicon Valley.
I'm a huge Beatles fan, but I've only really gotten into them as an adult.
I get inspired by a lot of different stuff. My father is a huge music fan.
Women are going to be a huge force in developing Web and mobile companies.
Governance can dig itself into a huge hole and not even know it's in there.
I had a huge crush on Alyssa Milano. But I don't think it was reciprocated.
Here, therefore, huge and mighty warrior though you be, here shall you die.
I'm a huge fan of 'The Avengers,' but 'Black Panther' was so special to me.
I have a huge and savage conscience that won't let me get away with things.
Chris' absence is very much felt. There's just a huge void in our home life.
Gracious dying is a huge, macabre and expensive joke on the American public.
Im not from the States, so Thanksgiving, for me, was never a huge tradition.
Investment in training is a huge necessity for knowledge-based corporations.
I read a lot on autism, which is surprisingly and annoyingly a huge mystery.
I'm not the Queen. I'm not a huge superstar; I don't get paparazzi around me.
I always loved doing a movie with Daldry. That's always a huge factor for me.
Living organisms are created by chemistry. We are huge packages of chemicals.
I started my career at 'Star Trek,' and that had a huge, very vocal fan base.
I'm OK with people being naked. There shouldn't be a huge deal made about it.
I am a huge Kishore Kumar fan. What can I say? The man was born to entertain!
There's certainly a huge element of luck in me ending up where I've ended up.
I'm a huge fan of David Hockney. I love the way he keeps reinventing himself.
For me, honesty is a huge thing, and loyalty, when it comes to relationships.
People tell me I'm their idol and a huge inspiration - that's really surreal.
Rituparno Ghosh is a legendary director, and I happen to be a huge fan of his.