I don't design houses with the nuclear family idea because I don't believe in it as a concept.

Western design houses have been exploring China in terms of investment for well over a decade.

I lived in those old movie houses as a kid. I just loved them. What total escapism for someone.

I've just started to get really envious when I go into people's houses and see books on a shelf.

I have been asked to collaborate with fashion houses using my artwork, which I will probably do.

I grew up in a few houses because my dad was a builder, so we used to build and sell quite a lot.

Fueled by the kindness and generosity of strangers, 'Food for the Poor' builds houses for people.

In my life, I've had estates in Russia, houses in Spain, in Norway, in the deep south of America.

The largest and most influential houses chiefly demonstrate the aloofness of the French approach.

I'll be starting two new production houses - Konidela Productions and White Horse Entertainments.

Houses are built to live in, and not to look on: therefore let use be preferred before uniformity.

I felt weary of the responsibility of owning houses and was glad enough to pass mine on to others.

I wanted to be an architect. I used to draw houses and buildings and construct buildings on my own.

I have walked into the palaces of kings and queens and into the houses of presidents. And much more.

I'm a cat whisperer. When I go to people's houses, their cats always like me better than the owners.

Two packed houses. I guess the theater sat 2,700 people every night so it was an amazing experience.

I suppose with houses and assets, then I guess I would be a millionaire. But so are a lot of people.

I'm into designing houses and interior design. I like change. I like creating things out of nothing.

I think heroes are the people that go into houses when they're on fire and save people in hospitals.

Opera needs a major makeover; the large opera houses are too in thrall to their conservative patrons.

I like Prague, it's strange. All the houses you see look like Disney sets, with their bright colours.

In Detroit there are a lot of houses they are going to demolish because no one is taking care of them.

I remember going to friends' houses and being fascinated when they got into fights with their siblings.

The priests are debarred from female society, nor is any woman permitted to enter the religious houses.

There are a lot of big spec houses now all across Connecticut, a lot of ostentatious showing of wealth.

My kids don't watch any TV, but they watch videos and films. I'm sure they watch it at friends' houses.

The Japanese put houses in among the trees and allowed nature to gain the ascendancy in any composition.

If you are going to build something in the air it is always better to build castles than houses of cards.

Because I have two houses, I invariably get immersed in a book and then discover it's at the other house.

I grew up homeless, you know, lived in and out of U-Haul trucks and, you know, apartment houses, friends.

Whether you're a mechanic or you build houses or you work in an office, you don't have to like your boss.

Even during the golden age of fashion, you had haute couture houses where the designers didn't have money.

There are certain people who seem doomed to buy certain houses. The house expects them. It waits for them.

If we have authentic, honest, earthy materials in our houses, we'll be more authentic, honest and natural.

My regular life today is reading books, making dolls houses, sewing dolls with my daughter and barbequing.

Dad built houses and when they were sold, he moved on to a new town, so I know a lot about my native state.

We don't want to be a design line. Ultimately, we want to be a platform that houses many design aesthetics.

I always loved to entertain and show off in front of the neighbors. I would sing and dance at their houses.

The corridor is hardly ever found in small houses, apart from the verandah, which also serves as a corridor.

I grew up on a farm - it was a lovely life; we'd make tree houses all day - and my parents worked from home.

Most of my holidays are with wonderfully generous friends with houses in the country or the South of France.

There are a lot of people who go to Washington or go to their state houses with a personal ambition in mind.

I used to clean my brother and sister's rooms. And I would go to friends' houses and clean their rooms, too.

I'd love more production houses to encourage artists to create what they want and not just churn things out.

In cities like Athens, poor houses lined narrow and tortuous streets in spite of luxurious public buildings.

There are houses where they don't any longer have dining tables. They will sit in front of the telly and eat.

I'd been living on the streets of New York, and I was sleeping at my friends' houses, sometimes in the subway.

In this year 1634, I purchased the moiety of thirteen houses in the Strand for five hundred and thirty pounds.

I grew up with a very big extended family, with a lot of aunts. We had about five or six houses on one street.

You go to a lot of cities they've got these great big footballer's houses. There's not many in Stoke-on-Trent.

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