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Ill never be, like, sippy cup country, or write about everything I do around the house.
You ever been on a date so bad, the girl makes you drop her off at another dude's house?
Set the goal to harvest what's in you rather than having a car, house or a relationship.
It was also my experience at Hull-House that aroused my interest in industrial diseases.
Every house takes its light from the happiness inside the house! No happiness, no light!
There's no higher honor, in my estimation, than being asked to serve in the White House.
I am always drawn back to places where I have lived, the houses and their neighborhoods.
Vacuuming is great. I do the laundry. I love washing machines. I'm the maid in my house.
I'm scared of haunted things, like hearing noises in my house and stuff. That scares me.
I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.
I am not going to the House of Lords. Never. That's not who I am. That's not where I am.
I always put clothes and family photos under the mattress, in case the house burns down.
Our hope is not in the man we put in the White House but in the Man we put on the Cross.
Ten Downing Street is a house, not an office. That is its most important characteristic.
Chess is a forcing house where the fruits of character can ripen more fully than in life
What I'm going to miss is the competition, being, that's OK, I can watch from the house.
I love my little overgrown yard. And my house is wonderful. It's everything that I need.
As much as I love heavy riffs, I like The Eagles, Neil Young, Elton John, Crowded House.
I go on expeditions for the same reason an estate agent sells houses - to pay the bills.
A beautiful print is a thing in itself, not just a halfway house on the way to the page.
I grew up like a boy, also because most of the children who came to our house were boys.
A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.
When you're born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it's not.
Give house-room to the best; 'tis never known Verture and pleasure both to dwell in one.
The roof of my house is covered in solar panels. When Im home, Im a pretty green fellow.
The House of Peers, throughout the war, did nothing in particular, and did it very well.
I went to jail. I looked like one of those savings-and-loan guys leaving the jail house.
I live in a kind of gay bubble. I live in a gay house, I drive a gay car. I eat gay food
I like interior decorating. I really like to build houses. And landscaping, I like that.
Just as Parkinson's isn't a big topic of conversation in my house, neither is my career.
A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.
I think something substantial will pass out of the House at some point during this term.
House guests should be regarded as perishables: Leave them out too long and they go bad.
May I a small house and large garden have; And a few friends, And many books, both true.
I went to the hardware store and bought some used paint. It was in the shape of a house.
Arson, after all, is an artificial crime...A large number of houses deserve to be burnt.
I always say you shouldn't weigh yourself. I don't even have a set of scales in my house.
The house in Chappaqua is up for sale, ... and you can get it for a bargain on Wednesday.
In the distance, he could see Molly lying in the tall grass off to the side of the house.
I'll be clickin' by your house about two forty-five, Sidewalk Sundae Strawberry Surprise.
Children love secret club houses. They love secrecy even when there's no need for secrecy
I slipped myself some pink Xannies/And danced around the house in all-over print panties.
I have a great deal of company in my house; especially in the morning, when nobody calls.
Reality is a narrow little house which becomes a prison to those who can't get out of it.
Some guys run their house. Some guys run around their house. I'm a guy who runs my house!
If one were to build the house of happiness, the largest space would be the waiting room.
The earth is yet the place of the domicile of man and all the offspring of the first man.
It is no bad thing to be a king-to see one's house enriched and one's authority enhanced.
If you look at most of the Royal Houses in Europe, the inbreeding was pretty outstanding.
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.