In our house we don't use words like "despise" and 'hate,' we say "strongly dislike."

All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.

Some People Like a House with A Fire Place, Others want a House they can set on Fire!

Each person is a really a great treasure house of capacities, possibilities, energies.

It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done.

The first sure symptom of a mind in health Is rest of heart and pleasure felt at home.

I love Halloween! I love it so much that I used to work at a haunted house every year.

It was like the top of the roof came off the house, .. He had that effect on everyone.

Having photographs around the house is fine - if they're royal and on the grand piano.

I play the same album over and over until the people in my house are ready to kill me.

Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the fool no where but in's own house.

On immigration, there are a lot of hurdles before anything arrives at the White House.

I do not refer to myself as a 'housewife' for the reason that I did not marry a house.

A human spirit may find no insufficiency of food fit for it, even in the Custom House.

Dogs are too much to handle. I don't need anything in my house that's needier than me.

I'm mostly retired. Now I'm a mother with a really noisy, difficult house to maintain!

The Cleveland Cavaliers just offered me a full-time job and a house! A house! A house!

Yeah. Kip gets to guard you and I get to house-sit. Life bites the big tee-tawa. (Syn)

I have a nice bookshelf in my office, but not my house. I'm crass, but not that crass.

. .women are house as well as factory slaves and are forced to bear a double workload.

He burned his house down for the fire insurance and spent the proceeds on a telescope.

I had this vivid dream and woke up and I wrote the 'MyPillow' logo all over the house.

It is not the most pleasant employment to spend eight hours a day in a counting house.

You build something but you cant live in the house because you sit around guarding it.

All I really had was my talent. Without that I wouldn't be welcome at the White House.

You know, when I eat three peas, I'm pregnant. When I visit a city, I'm buying a house.

First Family on the CW is about the president and his family living in the White House.

When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable If I have not an excellent library.

I wish I had known when I was in the White House what I know now about the Third World.

Do you know what White House correspondents call actors who pose as reporters? Anchors.

When I was back in Cuba, who could have imagined I would be invited to the White House!

I'm not going to do the Ben Harper house record or the Ben Harper drum 'n' bass record.

Mankind has a free will; but it is free to milk cows and to build houses, nothing more.

I met Sue Perkins at the Footlights, where she brought the house down at the auditions.

There is only one path which leads to the house of forgiveness - that of understanding.

Having departed from your house, turn not back; for the furies will be your attendants.

I probably owe as much to Jeff Beck as I do to Son House with connections to the blues.

This is my heartbeat like yours, it is a hatchet It can build a house or tear one down.

Work a lifetime to pay off a house You finally own it and there's nobody to live in it.

I have long given up the idea of a little house on the Ganges, as I have not the money.

Now that the House of Commons is trying to become useful, it does a great deal of harm.

When you let the wolves guard the hen house, there's bound to be a few chicken dinners.

We expect to see the day when temples will dot the earth, each one a house of the Lord.

The White House belongs to all Americans. It's supposed to be something we're proud of.

We have a saying in the House of Commons; that old ways are the safest and surest ways.

Old houses, I thought, do not belong to people ever, not really, people belong to them.

Build your house on the rock of learning; no one can take your education away from you.

I know we're termites. But if all the termites got together, the house would fall down.

I don't trawl record shops anymore. I usually hear music in bars or at friends' houses.

You just may be a redneck if your lawn furniture used to be your living room furniture.

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