I've paid for more pianos in hotel lobbies than you can imagine.

I lived in a hotel across the street from Disneyland for a month.

I'm syndicated on the radio - my show is called 'The Sweat Hotel.'

I've made money in real estate, hotel, and restaurant investments.

I've done the day jobs and slung towels at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

My bag explodes with clothes all over my hotel room floor every day.

You can't always find a hotel with a crib. That's my first priority.

Just when did I get to the point when staying at a hotel wasn't fun?

The great advantage of a hotel is that it is a refuge from home life.

Why is Wi-Fi free at cheap hotels, but $14 a night at expensive ones?

I'm addicted to the hotel life. It's humbling and fly at the same time.

I like walking into a smaller hotel where the desk clerk recognizes me.

'Christopher Walken' is my "Hotel California," but I've done it so much

Be kind to your mother-in-law, but pay for her board at some good hotel.

I was signed to MGM. I was in Vegas for sixteen weeks at the Sands Hotel.

I could easily escape to a hotel for a weekend and do absolutely nothing.

I stayed in a really old hotel last night. They sent me a wake-up letter.

I've always followed this page on Instagram called the Sausage Dog Hotel.

A first-rate marriage is like a first-rate hotel: expensive, but worth it.

Indian hotels are doing well globally because they understand hospitality.

'The Grand Budapest Hotel' is not really my thing, but I kind of loved it.

Me being able to trash hotel rooms on set means I don't do it in real life.

Nothing moves at the Hotel New Hampshire! We're screwed down here-for life!

I can't stand another night in a hotel. Just being away. You miss the kids.

I'm a big fan of Elvis, man. I got 'Heartbreak Hotel' tattooed on my chest.

My favourite hotel is the Hilton Hawaiian Village beach resort in Honolulu.

Love is like those second-rate hotels where all the luxury is in the lobby.

If I'm staying in a hotel or I'm sleeping on my own I have the hairdryer on.

I've always wanted to walk into a hotel, sit at a piano and play 'Piano Man.'

I just want to stay in my hotel room, read my book. I enjoy that private time.

It used to be a good hotel, but that proves nothing - I used to be a good boy.

You're at the hotel and after that you go to the venue and sit there and wait.

I'm happy because I won't have to train again, or travel or sit in team hotels.

I write pretty much anywhere - on planes, in hotel rooms, anywhere in my house.

I never write about the road. I never write about hotels or anything like that.

I really love it in Belfast. I always stay in the most bombed hotel, the Europa!

I'm a hotel baby, absolutely: it's hard to think of a hotel I haven't stayed in.

If I was not an actor, I would have been working in a five star hotel as a chef.

Chinese consumers don't book hotel rooms that are as expensive as U.S. consumers.

There was a girl knocking on my hotel room door all night! Finally, I let her out.

In a lot of ways, I envy someone like Omar Sharif who lived in a hotel for decades.

Room service is nice. Ooh-la-la, a hotel. At home, it's laundry and school lunches.

In late May 1993, I gave my first QLA Seminar at the Sheraton Hotel in Los Angeles.

I am a glutton for a beautiful hotel. I am so easily smitten by high thread counts.

The most difficult thing about being well known? Getting out of a hotel room at 4am.

I'm a huge E! fan. Every hotel room, I watch it all the time. 'E! News' is fantastic.

The William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh... was the place where Champagne Music was born.

If a rock band throws a TV set out of a hotel window, it's seen as anti-Establishment.

I love Tokio Hotel and their music, their makeup, their hairstyles and their subtlety.

All good hotels tend to lead people to do things they wouldn't necessarily do at home.

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