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Even at 10 or 12, I was a hot, fast little cheerleader.
Producing is like pushing jello up a hill on a hot day.
When you're hot, it's fair, when you're not, it's foul.
Love is an orchid which thrives principally on hot air.
I definitely don't think that I'm hot doo-doo. I don't.
Nothing's more determined than a cat on a hot tin roof.
First you bring the sugar, then you bring the hot sauce.
Look at your watch now. You're still a super hot female.
I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.
Good teams make the playoffs, hot teams win the playoffs.
Life is a razor, you are always in hot water or a scrape.
When you're hot, you're hot; when you're not, you're not.
Don't all morals go out the window if they're hot enough?
I can't tell you how many hot dogs I've eaten in my life.
I'd rather get a hot dog or a doughnut than write a song.
No matter how hot the fire burns, a Protea always survives
A cup of hot wine with not a drop of allaying Tiber in 't.
Christina can sing all the notes, but Britney is just hot!
My wife's not only my best friend but she's damn hot, too.
Saigon is hot, full of atmosphere, activity, and commerce.
See what perils do environ those who meddle with hot iron.
The future for Commander Tool Belt was not looking so hot.
Knowledge is hot water on wool. It shrinks time and space.
My first day as a woman and I am already having hot flushes
People are mostly hot to have a discussion when you're not.
The amount of hot girls who come to signings is incredible!
Hotness is uniqueness and just being yourself - that's hot.
Hot July brings cooling showers, Apricots and gillyflowers.
I guess men like me - somebody out there must think I'm hot.
If I were a food, I'd be a Chili because you know.. I'm hot.
My mom's hot. I mean she's old, but my mom's out of control.
His anger was as great as mine, but hot where mine was cold.
I used to be a hot-tar roofer. Yeah, I remember that... day.
I love Hot Fudge Sundaes; I could die for Hot Fudge Sundaes.
It was the defining event and remains a thousand degrees hot.
It`s always hot when I perform because the crowds are so big!
No use fanning up hot coals when you have to walk across them.
If you're an actress or a musician, everyone thinks you're hot
I call it... the hot dog tree, because... it's a hot dog tree.
When a hot woman meets a hermit one of them is going to change.
I don't have no... I love Lil Wayne. I grew up on the Hot Boys.
Behind every great man is a woman. Telling him he's not so hot.
I thoroughly enjoy a good hot bath. That is my ultimate luxury.
It is a fine thing to see people in hot earnest about anything.
I like aggressive and sexually liberated women. It's hot to me.
Why was it the hot mean girls always ran in packs, like hyenas?
I don't think of myself as hot or cool or anything, just a dork.
Like God's own chocolate, I'd lick her shadow off a hot sidewalk
If the furnace is hot enough, anything will burn, even Big Macs.
If I'm going to be a mess, I might as well be a hot mess, right?