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It is easy to be hopeful in the day when you can see the things you wish on.
I write a lot more when I'm happy, because you're hopeful, you're motivated.
I think I'm far too hopeful and trusting. That's something I got from my mum.
Young people are this awesome, creative, hopeful untapped resource out there.
In this life, anything can happen - and what can help bring it to pass is Hope
I'm hopeful for a world with more love, acceptance, and compassion for others.
Hope is an adventure, a going forward, a confident search for a rewarding life.
I am still hopeful. A falcon, Time. But the coincidence is probably accidental.
I am very hopeful that there is a solution to the Israeli/Palestinian injustice.
I am still hopeful we can go through the season unbeaten - a frightening thought.
America's greatest strength has always been its hopeful vision of human progress.
I cannot imagine that I could strive for something if I did not carry hope in me.
I've traveled to many countries in Africa, and to me, Benin felt the most hopeful.
Every time you start a project, you're hopeful that the critics receive it warmly.
Hopeful thinking can get you out of your fear zone and into your appreciation zone.
I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we're even alive at all.
I am hopeful that films can connect people who are in conflict in a separated world.
In the war between the humans and the robots, the humans had to win. Call me hopeful.
Give hope (the magic ingredient for success) — you will have hope and be made hopeful.
I am hopeful about any future for whites in this country, but not entirely optimistic.
In search of Truth the hopeful zealot goes,But all the sadder tums, the more he knows!
My sweet spot, the stuff I like the most, is hopeful melancholy. Optimistic melancholy.
The good news is hopeful doesn't mean dumb. The bad news is cynical doesn't mean smart.
I'm not really one of these people who's been known for particularly hopeful sentiments.
Hope puts up with modest gains, realizing that the longest journey starts with one step.
The world is full of hopeful analogies and handsome, dubious eggs, called possibilities.
The melody rolled over her, as cool and sweet as water, as hopeful and lovely as sunrise.
A breakup is a state of mind that needs encouragement and needs hopeful, forward thinking.
I'm hopeful that, at the end of my career, wherever it takes me, there's a lot of variety.
To hope is to feel the presence of the inner sun. The inner sun is; the outer sun becomes.
I think all true stories are hopeful stories. I don't think there's any room for nihilism.
I think happy and hope is more hopeful when you acknowledge that there's awful things too.
I'm a very hopeful person. I mean, I'm an optimistic person, sometimes stupidly optimistic.
I am hopeful that the pendulum swings toward seeing immigrants in favorable terms once more.
I wanted to make an album that was hopeful and encouraging and inspiring. That was the goal.
By that time I was thinking a little about pro ball and hopeful that someone would draft me.
There's something about the sound of a train that's very romantic and nostalgic and hopeful.
Where there is creativity there is hope and Haiti is the most hopeful place I've experienced
The most hopeful approach to peace in Ukraine is the Minsk Agreement, which includes Moscow.
The interpretation that makes you ardent and hopeful and active and reverent is the true one.
College was especially sweet because of the positive, hopeful atmosphere of a college campus.
I'm hopeful that the energy efficiency and public buildings bill will have their endorsement.
I am hopeful that one day I will meet that right man and will have a very happy life partner.
In a sense, 'American Pie' was a very despairing song but it can also be seen as very hopeful.
In time of trouble avert not thy face from hope, for the soft marrow abideth in the hard bone.
Hope is the sun. It is light. It is passion. It is the fundamental force for life's blossoming.
Isn't it a rare thing, telling hopeful stories now? I think we need more of that, to be honest.
Being mad is activating. Being sad can lead to hopelessness. I'm not hopeless. I'm very hopeful.
To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old.
People who build hope into their own lives and who share hope with others become powerful people.