Manuka honey is really great if you've got a breakout.

Honey, some boys stopped by to see you. They had wood.

Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.

Listen honey, would I lie to you to get in your pants?

You can't do Shakespeare with a Southern accent, honey.

Hee pays too deare for honey that licks it from thornes.

If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive.

You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

Honey, have you seen your sister?” She’s on Jupiter, Mom.

Fame is fleeting, honey. Fame is fleeting and it changes.

The sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness.

If you have no Honey in your Pot, have some in your Mouth.

You don't gotta let the girls know you're sweating, honey.

Turn all things to honey; this is the law of divine living.

Honey, I beat down an alien with my purse in the 'X Files.'

The would-bees take their honey from the flowers of creation.

When the honey's out of the comb, there's no putting it back.

Honey, there's a spider in your bathroom the size of a Buick.

If you wanna find the honey / You can't be scared of the bees.

If my gravy train stops at SAG, honey, it's been a great ride.

They whom truth and wisdom lead, can gather honey from a weed.

The bee that hath honey in her mouth hath a sting in her tail.

Who writes poetry imbibes honey from the poisoned lips of life.

For honesty coupled to beauty, is to have honey a sauce to sugar.

Honey, God loves everybody. It's human beings who mess things up.

The fly that prefers sweetness to a long life may drown in honey.

Honey, I am going to my grave with my eyelashes and my makeup on.

A brier rose whose buds yield fragrant harvest for the honey bee.

Turn the clock to zero, honey, we're starting up a brand new day.

I love show business. It's my life, honey, and I try to enjoy it.

I think Honey G is a brand, she's an inspiration for me at least.

When you're out to get the honey you don't go killing all the bees

I'm running for Governor, and this Honey Badger is ready to fight.

The public is a hibernating bear, hard to awaken and fond of honey.

None of them going to treat me bad, honey, I'm too strict for that.

When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees.

What part of Canada are you from, honey?" "THE LEFT PART," said Jay.

A spoon full of honey gets more flies than a barrel full of vinegar.

Life happens, honey. What are you going to do? Cry in a bowl of milk?

Do you think I got stung because I have honey in my coffee every day?

My mom lived to be 91, and her advice was, 'Honey, just keep moving.'

The taste of things recovered is the sweetest honey we will ever know.

If honey bees become extinct, human society will follow in four years.

I felt like Eartha Kitt. I'm serving fish, honey, and this ain't trout.

Books are the beehives of thought; laconics, the honey taken from them.

It’s the order of things: each one gets a taste of honey then the knife.

The flowers are full of honey, but only the bee finds out the sweetness.

If he was lost for a moment, he would dive straight back into its honey.

Some nights are like honey - and some like wine - and some like wormwood.

Moderation, honey, in all things but love and chocolate. That's my motto.

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