A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.

The quest for peace begins in the home, in the school and in the workplace.

Anywhere I hang my heart is home... it's just the closet that keeps moving.

I'm a creature of the night for God's sake And she wants me home by eleven?

The children don't wear their masks at home and in controlled surroundings.

When I'm not on tour, I love to have a long breakfast at home in my garden.

Excitable boy, they all said, he killed and raped her and brought her home.

I hate leaving home. I love what I do, but I'd love to go home every night.

... for home is a magnet that lures back even its most abstracted children.

I have done my time living on the run. I'm British and I want to come home.

A woman should be good for everything at home, but abroad good for nothing.

My dad and I played music. He teaches me a song or two every time I'm home.

In a world of fugitives the one who stays home will seem to be running away

The best way to strengthen a home, current or future, is to keep covenants.

Thinking. This book contains some. Whether you try it at home is up to you.

I came home and found that my son was taking drugs - my very best ones too!

Being home is like a vacation to me, so I'm trying to get my home together.

One writes to make a home for oneself, on paper, in time, in others' minds.

The ideal home: big enough for you to hear the children, but not very well.

I have prevented my kids from watching MTV at home. It's not safe for kids.

My restless, roaming spirit would not allow me to remain at home very long.

England is very regimented. Go to work, come home from work, go to the pub.

The Soul is a stranger trying to find a Home somewhere that is not a where.

He drove me home in the van, complaining, 'Women only like me for my mind'.

There is no faith like the faith of a builder of homes in coastal Louisiana

I am a professional. At the circuit I am calm. At home I am very different.

Travelling carries me to the surface, away from the deeps of home-thoughts.

Theater dressing rooms are my home away from home - my second home, really.

I had cottage cheese for lunch and a glass of wine when I got home tonight.

But I found my family. I found the right thing to do. I found the way home.

I'm home schooled, and I have a teacher that goes with me on all my movies.

From '69 til '76, I never played in public. I would play by myself at home.

I wanted to see London the way old people want to see home before they die.

Women are not going to be equal outside the home until men are equal in it.

I don't play games. I ran away from home because my Dad brought me an Xbox.

Give a pup a home and a little love and he will give you his heart forever.

I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there.

I will not leave the Republican Party, ... The Republican Party is my home.

I still think buying a home is the best investment any individual can make.

I enjoy spending time at home or going out for a quiet meal in a restaurant.

Un-thread the rude eye of rebellion, and welcome home again discarded faith.

Everywhere you hang your hat is home. Home is the bright cave under the hat.

I am told that the first comprehensible word I uttered as a child was 'home.

I'm the type of person who would rather stay home than get my picture taken.

Love and a cottage! Eh, Fanny! Ah, give me indifference and a coach and six!

Nothing Exposes our true self more than how we treat each other in the home.

I would rather die in freedom on my way back home than starve to death here.

Let us pray for peace, and let us bring it about, starting in our own homes.

Paradise is a state of being, more than just the name of a suburb or a home.

We need to make it easier for companies to invest in good jobs here at home.

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