Either we obey God's will who does not kill, or we make our own God's who allow us to make holy wars
The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent is as - it is as if he has killed all mankind.
If there is a God, I want to see him. I don't want to just hear some holy roller shouting about him.
Sin is not an unfortunate slip or a regrettable act; it is a posture of defiance against a holy God.
It is terrible how much has been forgotten, which is why, I suppose, remembering seems a holy thing.
I got teary-eyed watching Mary J. Blige sing O Holy Night' at the 'Christmas in Washington' concert.
The Koran shows every sign of being thrown together by human beings, as do all the other holy books.
The same Holy Spirit who implants faith within a life implants the boldness to verbalize that faith.