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It's different in the NFL because you're getting paid to get hit. In college, you're taking hits for someone else to make money.
If a song or group hits you at the right time in your life, it's everything. It's bigger than school or family or anything else.
The way that light hits objects in life, three-dimensional objects before you photograph them, is really the story of photography.
With any luck, by the time NASA's space probe hits Pluto, you'll be booking a spaceflight with a privately run suborbital airline.
I was fortunate in the last century to be in the two biggest hits film-wise, 'Godfather I' and 'Godfather II,' and 'Lonesome Dove.'
But why is it that in music, anything more than 5 years old - apart from a few hits - is never played on radio to the young public?
The fact of the matter is that the true hits of AOL have always been its easy-to-use services, such as AIM, email, and Buddy Lists.
I grew up with 'best-of' cassettes. My first Smiths record was 'Hatful Of Hollow,' and I had hits albums by Elton John and The Cars.
If everybody had 100% record of hits and flops, there would have been no surprises. There's not one director with 100% success rate.
I've never really worked on them. Just once in a while one hits me and makes me laugh. My Al Gore was sort of like a gay Gomer Pyle.
We had fashion errors that became hits. We were bold with our colors and tights and being very sexy and the assymmetrical hairstyle.
If I was a marginal guy or a practice squad player or a career-long special teamer, you take a hell of a lot less hits in those roles.
Usually, the things that are quickly slapped together become the big hits, rather than the ones you would painstakingly deliberate on.
When I saw 'Shola Aur Shabnam' and 'Aankhen,' I did not anticipate that they would become such hits. They looked like B-plus projects.
No one in Hollywood really knows what a good idea is before a movie hits the screens. We only know if it's a good idea after it's done.
Perhaps the number of new hits is not being noted the way it was done in the era of records or cassettes with the emergence of Internet.
Sometimes, when the wind hits hard and icicles form on the sea cliffs, we can all come together - and at those times, we are at our best.
We live in a country where John Lennon takes eight bullets, Yoko Ono is walking right beside him and not one hits her. Explain that to me!
Well, we all start thinking we're going to be Romantic rock stars, but then reality hits and you realize no one reads you but other poets.
Bananarama were written off from day one. Nobody believed in us but us. We kept having hits despite the record company, despite the press.
By the time my first album was out, I had been out in Jamaica three or four years, but I had hits out at that time that were bona fide hits.
Sometimes bad luck hits you like in an ancient Greek tragedy, and it's not your own making. When you have a plane crash, it's not your fault.
There's a handful of situations already in two games - some hits I don't need to take - and I'm taking them because I'm stringing out the play.
Grief is so human, and it hits everyone at one point or another, at least, in their lives. If you love, you will grieve, and that's just given.
I think that the economics of book publishing favor hits with long book runs. You make all your money on the last bunch of books, not the first.
I'm like most people. We just concentrate on the present. I live right where the film is going through the film projector and it hits the light.
Dan Henderson, even when you're close and he hits you from very, very close, you can feel how heavy his hands are. His hands are pretty powerful.
Maybe because I bat aggressively and go for big hits at times, people tend to remember my batting. But I have always done well as a stumper, too.
I just go out and do what I can to help the team win, try and be consistent in having some good at-bats and getting some timely hits and whatnot.
I broke in with four hits, and the writers promptly declared they had seen the new Ty Cobb. It took me only a few days to correct that impression.
I think every guy that hits his 40s has a little bit of a wake-up call and wants to just keep things real, as they say, and just to push yourself.
An organization believes in me to where I'm worth $163 million, possibly $200 million. When you put it in that form, the responsibility hits home.
Big hits are part of the game. So, paramount to every time I train is just to focus on staying healthy and doing everything I can to stay healthy.
You still have that competitive thing where you want to try to make hits. That won't go away, unless the mayor of show business says my time's up.
If you hate somebody, it's like a boomerang that misses its target and comes back and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts.
The idea that just the basis of the game, repetitive hits, could bring on a cascade of issues later in life, that was - it changed the game for me.
In my experience, sometimes a movie just hits at the wrong time, gets the wrong press, or gets the wrong representation, and it gets misunderstood.
Watching the dailies and then watching the... episodes, it really hits you: 'Damn, I did that?' I must have been crazy to get into those situations.
My career was really odd, because I literally had a greatest hits album out and nobody knew who I was. They knew the songs, but they didn't know me.
Obviously, the big hits like 'Shout,' 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World,' 'Head Over Heels,' we play live, so there's nothing new about them to me.
People feel very ashamed to admit that they have in-law problems. They think it's something petty. But it's not petty at all. It hits deep emotions.
A man in a bookstore buys a book on loneliness and every woman in the store hits on him. A woman buys a book on loneliness and the store clears out.
Questioning the origin of music is like asking why the breeze is soothing, why you shiver in exhilaration when the spray from the waterfall hits you.
He hits it long. His shoulders are impressively quick through the ball. That's where he's getting his power from. He's young and has great elasticity.
I used to get 15-20 bunt hits a season. Now, I'm down to five or six. Infielders still play me in, but I'm always looking if the opportunity is there.
Buying a matching blouse and skirt from the same store is a crime. A clever mix of chic and cheap hits the jackpot. Know how to mix styles and labels.
Hits and flops will come and go. But what stays with you is the experience you had while shooting a film. I am happy learning something new each time.
It is a question whether, when we break a murderer on the wheel, we do not fall into the error a child makes when it hits the chair it has bumped into.
All my achievements have been great achievements. I have been collaborating with big names and making hits - like my song 'Yosemite' with Travis Scott.
I think that finding a way into somebody's life that's sort of off from a side angle can tell you more about that person than a greatest hits approach.