When I wrote the song, The Way It Is, I wanted to move people to take a stand on civil rights in this country.

The people who really know me understand that I have a tough exterior, but I'm actually just a hippie at heart.

You know, feeling and action are always linked, one can't exist without the other. It's sort of a hippie thing.

I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be someday it's going to come.

I don't know the difference between a hippie and a hipster but, it's fun to watch either one of them get beat up.

I live with some of my best friends from high school, very commune-like, in my house. It's my hippie way of life.

I was influenced by the hippie movement in San Francisco and by the feminist movement, which had arrived in Paris.

Kerouac opened a million coffee bars and sold a million pairs of Levis to both sexes. Woodstock rises from his pages.

I grew up in this medical atmosphere, and thought I wanted to be a doctor. I was a hippie, didn't have a lot of goals.

A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.

The utter helplessness of a conquered people is perhaps the most tragic feature of a civil war or any other sort of war.

It was 1967, and the hippie thing was happening. I got into experimenting with drugs while I was in college in Michigan.

When I was a kid... I don't know which was more embarrassing, when I was really into The Beatles or when I was a hippie.

Nowhere have I ever heard of Satan taking the form of an avuncular hippie. No doubt he could. It just seems inefficient.

I had a confused early hippie phase, which was like a cafeteria tray of sloppy, semi-Marxist thoughts, absorbed second-hand.

Elvis was the only man from Northeast Mississippi who could shake his hips and still be loved by rednecks, cops, and hippies.

The appropriation of radical thinking by lazy, self-obsessed hippies is a public relations disaster that could cost the earth.

Purple Haze all in my brain, lately things don't seem the same. Actin' funny but I don't know why. 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky.

It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives, but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end.

Could I use some butter and cheese and eggs in my cooking without going down some kind of hippie shame spiral? Yes. Of course I could.

There is enough for everyone. People think that there isn't enough, so they get as much as they can, so many people don't have enough.

I feel like a total hippie right now. I'm passionate about all sorts of things - a lot of boring, cuddly Hallmark things, to be honest.

When once I got to America I fell in love with hippie culture, and I've always wanted to live in the country and grow organic vegetables.

I was certainly a child of the '60s, and I came out of that era, and as a young actor, I got cast as a lot of counterculture hippie types.

You know, the thing that struck me about Civil War music was how bloody it was; it was full of hatred. There was incredible vitriol in it.

Nobody living can ever stop me. As I go walking my freedom highway. Nobody living can make me turn back. This land was made for you and me.

I oppose the attempts of homosexual activists to treat homosexual activity as a civil right to be protected and promoted by the government.

There's nothing hippie about my picture of Christ. The Gospels paint a picture of a very demanding, sometimes divisive love, but love it is.

Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people Sharing all the world.

I always expect there to be a new counter-culture coming up, something that would make punk look as ridiculous as punk made the hippies look.

The thing that gave me the most pain in life, psychologically, and it gave me tremendous pain psychologically, is man's disrespect for nature.

Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder.

The 'person' is not an interchangeable part. The 'citizen' is. ... The person is harking back to a pre-print model. It's what the hippies were.

How many of us go through our days parched and empty, thirsting after happiness, when we're really standing knee-deep in the river of abundance?

My personal style is a mixture of, like, girly, throwback, like retro '50s pin-ups, floral, like hippies, like anything feminine, and like flirty.

Civil Rights opened the windows. When you open the windows, it does not mean that everybody will get through. We must create our own opportunities.

Yippies, Hippies, Yahoos, Black Panthers, lions and tigers alike - I would swap the whole damn zoo for the kind of young Americans I saw in Vietnam.

I was always embarrassed because my dad wore a suit and my mother wore flat pumps and a cozy jumper while my friends' parents were punks or hippies.

The attitude is we live and let live. This is actually an amazing change in values in a rather short time and it's an example of freedom from religion.

And we love to dance, especially that new one called the Civil War Twist. The Northern part of you stands still while the Southern part tries to secede.

America will be far safer if we reduce the chances of a terrorist attack in one of our cities than if we diminish the civil liberties of our own people.

I'm still learning who I am. One minute I have black hair, the next it's red. One day I'm wearing Converse sneakers, and the next I'm in the hippie look.

A modern revolutionary group heads for the television station, not the factory. It concentrates its energy on infiltrating and changing the image system.

Children, for whom suburban life was supposed to make wholesome little Johns and Wendys, became the acid-dropping, classroom-burning hippies of the 1960s.

My hair is way, way long. I've hitchhiked across the country a zillion times. I've ridden in every car. I was never a hippie. It takes more than long hair.

We will not let terrorists change our way of life; we will not live in fear; and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy.

If Willie Nelson had been Rosa Parks, there never would have been a civil rights movement in this country, because he refuses to leave the back of the bus.

Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.

The hippie movement politicized my generation. When it ended, we all started looking back at our own history, looking, in my case, for motives of rebellion.

I hung around hippie-ish kind of people and, first of all, they never made any money. If you never make any money, you never have to declare any profession!

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