I started acting, almost on a whim to help my music career.

Oftentimes the shows that don't work help you get it right.

Experience teacheth that resolution is a sole help in need.

All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams.

I haven't killed anybody all day. Help me keep it that way.

When you help scholars, you gain a share in their learning.

I expect the best and with God's help will attain the best.

The greatest spiritual blessing comes from helping another.

If you can help it, you aren’t destined to become a writer.

Christ seeketh your help in your place; give Him your hand.

The jingling of the guinea helps the hurt that Honor feels.

Our help does not come from Washington, but from ourselves.

I cannot help it - in spite of myself, infinity torments me.

I've learned that almost anyone will help if you ask for it.

Love someone too much to help them prevent making a mistake.

Help me by whatever you are pleased to do in your provinces.

Nobody looks better than when they are helping someone else.

Abstinence from sins is better than seeking help afterwards.

My name is Kevin, I'm from Queensland, and I'm here to help.

Creativity is what helps me escape a lot of my inner demons.

Well it's all right to cry. It helps a great deal sometimes.

We shouldn’t use our own upset as an excuse for not helping.

Sometimes, the people who are helping you can drop the ball.

An ounce of help is worth more than a pound of pity any day.

I love helping people; just being of service makes me happy!

The true teachers are those who help us think for ourselves.

Everyone has power. But it doesn't help if you don't use it.

The more you kick me when I'm down, the more it truly helps.

I hope that my government can help change Italian mentality.

Swallow your pride and admit that we all need help at times.

To get the right answer, it helps to ask the right question.

Everything we do is either an act of love or a cry for help.

Forget not your past, for in the future it may help you grow

I cannot help but think a curious event is this life of mine

See, you have to marry me. I seem to scare off all the help.

The moment you say microfinance everybody wants to help you.

In a comedy it helps enhance things that were already there.

A brush with death always helps us to live our lives better.

He that is thy friend indeed, he will help you in your need.

Artists can help re-imagine a conflict and start a dialogue.

I am committed to helping our farmers in any way that I can.

Silence is a great help to a seeker after truth like myself.

Prayer is the midwife of mercy, that helps to bring it forth.

Music is always around, and it helps to heighten any emotion.

It's easier to make fun of things that people can help doing.

You don't walk away if you love someone. You help the person.

Pain is God's midwife, that helps some virtue into existence.

Charity, vertical, humiliates. Solidarity, horizontal, helps.

Let's help people in this country with the resources we have.

Looking at the ball going over the fence isn't going to help.

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