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We have to help people with their expenses of their health care, their access to their health care, and certainly for the actual care that they receive.
I'm interested in sites that help people find information and filter what's available. The Internet is so big that no one can stay on top of everything.
When I walk into a room, I know my storytelling has value and I have to sell my idea. I have to help people see the financial value and gain in my work.
I believe the arts are the best way to help people go on a journey of self-discovery toward their own compassion and empathy for humanity and themselves.
People want to offer opportunities to people they care about. They want to help people they believe are good people or have shared life experiences with.
At the end of the day, you are judged by your character. And look, I'm proud of my record of working to help people throughout my years of public service.
As photographs give people an imaginary possession of a past that is unreal, they also help people to take possession of space in which they are insecure.
My hope is that witnessing the beautiful harmony created by merging different musical melodies will help people realize the beauty in our own differences.
Young people, when they're left alone, always want to have compassion, and they always want to give. They always want to help people who are less fortunate.
Any that is why I think any kind of a stimulus package is going to have to help people who are without work, without a job, help them have health insurance.
My motivation is my desire to help people. If people want to have children and cannot in the normal way, and I can do something about it, then I will do so.
That's what PGA Tour golf is all about. It's a partnership with the community to help people to raise money for charity and to do it using golf as a platform.
I believe that the best way to help people understand the world is to provide them with opportunities to actively explore, experiment, and express themselves.
It's hard to describe yourself as a hero - I just like to think of myself as a policeman. People can look to you like that, as a good guy who can help people.
I'm a seeker of transcendence through music, and that's kind of where I'm at with the live shows - wanting to help people get out of their heads a little bit.
We are our own worst enemies and as a coach you can help people recognise that, raise their self-awareness and then see if they change or do anything about it.
It's really sad down there. Everyone's sitting around asking to help and BP won't let anybody do anything. People are coming down to help. People want to help.
I think the only way to return my followers' kindness and show my appreciation for their support is to become a better actor - and to help people any way I can.
The reason I spend so much of my time doing science is that the whole point of science is to help people resolve conflicting claims by saying: 'Show me the data.'
One of the things you learn being in the public eye is that you have the ability to raise awareness about serious issues, and, in the process, really help people.
The surgery will always be a huge part of my life. I'm going to need to help people with weight problems for the rest of my life so that I can maintain my weight.
Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer is to help people in distress.
Teaching people to eat doesn't make a lot of money. Nevertheless, most of us go into medicine because of a genuine desire to help people and optimize their health.
So, without being cold, you really have to try to retain the capacity to help people without becoming too emotional or allowing your own emotions to have full rein.
People have me pinned as a shark or a predator in some way, and in no way am I that. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone. I want to defend people. I want to help people.
Sometimes I say to myself, what are you doing in this absurd job? Why don't you go to Africa and help people? But I cannot help people, because I am a hypochondriac.
That's what it's all about, going out and being able to help in the community and help people around you. That's going to carry far longer than basketball ever will.
You have to know what you're doing to help people and have an important stance in life. You can only do that by staying focused, and I can't lose focus for a second.
Too many people will die needlessly if we go back to letting people buy junk insurance or insurance that doesn't help people with diseases related to mental illness.
I have always been a fixer. I am a fixer. I like problems, and I like puzzles, and I like to help people, so I have been a fixer, and I have always been an educator.
I've been through a lot and if God can use that story to help people through a lot of pain and heartache and share hope with people, well we'll see how it progresses.
Life is short. Do whatever you can to help people - not for status, but because the 95-year-old you will be proud if you did help people and disappointed if you didn't.
I love Larry David's take on things in 'Seinfeld', which is that you shouldn't try to help people because it'll always put you into new situations which are unpleasant.
My purpose is to help people be more comfortable with their pain and realize that they have power and a lot to give regardless of whether their life seems normal or not.
You must be an artist and a citizen of the world. You must speak to this stuff that's happening. You must do what you can to shine a light on it, help people through it.
It's an interesting juxtaposition, being student body president and leading others and learning how to effectively help people on the team in a way that's not as direct.
I just gotta keep reminding myself: Every time I do an interview or something, my volition really has to be just to serve, to help people. Not to feel like I'm important.
One of the most important things in the digital world is being able to story-tell and help people envision the art of the possible with respect to different technologies.
If you tell your story well, it can help attract customers; it can help people understand your business better, and you are more approachable as a business and a company.
Dystopian novels help people process their fears about what the future might look like; further, they usually show that there is always hope, even in the bleakest future.
I'm really good at bringing out greatness - in anybody. I don't even have to be in the studio. What a gift to be able to help people bring out the best qualities in them.
I'm appalled that an industry has grown around teaching a practice as wholesome and spiritual as yoga, so I decided to create my own free video to help people get started.
Hopefully this movie will help people understand that if a child is never given the tools to know how to love others and love and respect themselves, this is what happens.
There are a variety of techniques to help people change the kind of thinking that leads them to become depressed. These techniques are called cognitive behavioral therapy.
Generally, I have a strong interest in trying to help people who are maybe not as lucky as I am. I've been well rewarded in this world. I'm more worried about the next one.
We have the opportunity to provide the first FDA reviewed and approved over-the-counter option that can help people lose weight and make changes to their lifestyle and diet.
As a bandleader, I try to pass on the same family values that I grew up with: help people, hang on to your sense of humour, be tolerant, and keep your judgments to yourself.
Everyone could always see Frank Lampard would become a head coach. The way he was as a player, always trying to help people and on everyone's case. I'm very happy for Chelsea.
Tax credits do not help people get better jobs; in fact, they can create poverty traps that actually disincentivise people from working more hours or finding a better paid job.
I've spent my career trying to help people without connections understand what's going on so that they have a chance of getting a fair shake from the connected and the powerful.