It's the height of folly to want to be the only wise one.

Everybody line up alphabetically according to your height.

To achieve harmony in bad taste is the height of elegance.

At my size and height you have to be able to do everything.

I have got height so I am little bit too tall for 'keeping.

I'm terrible at heights. I hate it. I'm glad I'm only 5'7".

Tall men come down to my height when I hit 'em in the body.

My height is immaterial; it's my heart and mind which count.

Those who look for filth, can find it at the height of noon.

The length of a man's outspread arms is equal to his height.

What I lack in height, I make up for in wicked good hearing.

Learning is pleasurable but doing is the height of enjoyment.

I want to reach the heights of stardom beyond my imagination.

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance

Like most animals, we're wired to associate height with power.

The height of strategy, is to attack your opponent's strategy.

The difference between the ground and the heights you achieve.

There are times when the utmost daring is the height of wisdom.

Ah, when love dies, women lose two and a half inches in height.

We rise to great heights by a winding staircase of small steps.

Keep on pushing the boundaries and reaching for higher heights.

Keep your feet on the ground and your thoughts at lofty heights.

I really hate heights. I always like to live on the first floor.

You seek the heights of manhood when you seek the depths of God.

The depth of your struggle determines the height of your success.

To get a traveling salesman drunk is the height of impossibility.

Three or four drops of height have nothing to do with savageness.

The deep of your maturity determines the height of your marriage.

We ascend to the heights of contemplation by the steps of action.

Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights" was extremely important to me.

Out of the lowest depths there is a path to the loftiest heights.

At the height of the McCarthy period, writers were being hounded.

I have a love/hate relationship with my height - I am 6 ft. 4 in.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.

Height has nothing to do with it, it is your strength that counts.

The GRAMMY was a huge deal. It's the height of any musical career.

I don't like heights. This is why I stopped growing at fifth grade.

Certainly I'm not overweight. I'm the perfect weight for my height.

All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height.

My height doesn't matter, as I want to keep playing my natural game.

Then to the depths! - I could as well say height: It's all the same.

The body sprang At once to the height, and stayed; but the soul,-no!

When I was 22, I thought I couldn't wear heels because of my height.

My height does help me. I can hide a multitude of sins in my height.

The height of the pinnacle is determined by the breadth of the base.

A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.

Height is definitely an advantage no matter what position you are at.

Sometimes the only way is jumping; hope you’re not afraid of heights.

The height of your success is determined by the depth of your belief.

On the heights, all paths are paved with daggers. -Old Seanchan saying

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