Now, after divorce with Tom Cruise, I can wear heels.

I can't walk in high heels, never mind dance in them.

Just advertising departments with legs and high heels.

Haste trips up its own heels, fetters and stops itself.

I wear high heels and dresses. I am a total girly girl.

I was born in high heels and I've worn them ever since.

Satiety is a mongrel that barks at the heels of plenty.

There hath grown no grass on my heels since I went hence.

I always wear my signature 5- to 5-and-a-half-inch heels.

The idealist walks on tiptoe, the materialist on his heels.

If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them.

If you can fight in high heels, you can walk in high heels.

I'm either in one of two things: high heels or cowboy boots.

I fell out of the womb and landed in my mother's high heels.

A great licentiousness treads on the heels of a reformation.

I wear chunky sneakers all the time. I cannot walk in heels.

I always wear high heels - I simply feel naked without them.

It was fun to dance in heels, and personally, I love dancing.

Our TV and movie cops are usually in heels and pencil skirts.

A man in high heels is the most dangerous thing in the world.

I think it was about 1990 when we first wore heels to perform.

I do have too many eight-inch heels which I never get to wear.

I have a room full of shoes: heels and sneakers and everything.

To look long and lean, wear a wide-leg trouser with high heels.

Not everybody can say they wore heels in Paris Hilton's closet.

I can tell women's confidence levels rise when they wear heels.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice your performance for high heels.

I prefer flats to heels. I donate shoes I'm not wearing anymore.

Follow not truth too near the heels, lest it dash out thy teeth.

There's nothing a man can do, that I can't do better and in heels

I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.

I prefer jeans to a suit, sneakers to high heels, markets to malls.

Nothing burns more calories than dancing in 5-inch heels... try it!

I wear heels. It's not for a fashion statement, it's... ammunition.

One thing I quickly discovered as a female pilot - ditch the heels!

I run around my house naked with heels all the time. It's so funny.

High heels. I respect people who love them; they're just not for me!

If a French woman wears jeans, it's never with flats - always heels.

When I was 22, I thought I couldn't wear heels because of my height.

The danger in promiscuity is that it's always barking at your heels.

It's hard enough for women to walk on high heels. And I'm on stilts!

We won't just automatically click our heels and follow the Americans.

I'm like 6'2 when I wear heels, so I tend to wear cowboy boots a lot.

I love heels, I'm telling you. When I walk in flats, I get knee pain.

I wear heels, and it's not for a fashion statement - it's ammunition.

You just click your heels and think there's no place like being pwned.

I'm a sneaker head. You'll find more sneakers than heels in my closet.

The first time I ever came to fashion week, everyone was wearing heels.

I don't want to be that girl hobbling around in heels, falling in snow.

High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead.

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