Single payer means something different to everyone. The way I define it is that health care is a right and not a privilege.

The subsidy for employer-sponsored coverage has tethered health care to employment in a way that virtually no economist endorses.

Having come from the U.S. and observed the way the health care system works there, we definitely felt that we could do something in India.

If we were to build a health care system from scratch, single-payer would be the way to go. But we have a very complex health care system in America.

If the goal of health-care reform is to provide comprehensive, universal health care in a cost-effective way, the only honest approach is a single-payer approach.

I see taking care of my emotional and mental health in the same way that I see taking care of a garment: After it's been through wear and tear, it needs attention.

Republicans should embrace the possibility that Obamacare could pave the way toward lower health care entitlement spending overall. That won't be easy. But it's not unthinkable, either.

Leaders need to compromise, negotiate with members of both parties and ideologies, and reform health care the right way - by developing a strong plan that encompasses the needs of all Americans.

The Health Care Compact is a way for states to protect their residents from the top-down, one-size-fits-all health care 'solutions' that have been imposed from Washington D.C., including Obamacare.

You have to understand the way the liberal looks at something working. Their purpose here is not to provide you health care cheaply, affordably and plentifully. That's not what this is about to them.

We've taken on health care in a big way in our office, ever since nine years ago when I was paralyzed. I was in eight different hospitals, three different rehab centers, and all the rooms were dreadful. As an architect, designer, and patient, I can do something to help.

When someone has to go to the hospital because they don't have insurance - and by the way, I think the insurance companies should be out of the mix altogether - but when someone needs health care, and they don't have the ability to pay for it, in our communities, we end up paying for it one way or the other.

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