We will have health care reform in America.

Every child in America deserves high-quality health care.

America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.

In 2001, America 's hospitals provided nearly $21 billion in uncompensated health care services.

There are few in America that really know how to take advantage of the current health care system.

America's health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention.

By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America!

As Congress focuses on comprehensive health care reform, one thing needs to be clear: We cannot fix health care if we do not address America's nursing shortage.

When Medicare was created for senior citizens and America 's disabled in 1965, about half of a senior's health care spending was on doctors and the other half on hospitals.

Our system of private health insurance that fails to provide coverage to so many of our citizens also contributes to the double-digit health care inflation that is making America less competitive in the global economy.

2013 was a year of myths falling apart. The myth of President Obama - a myth in which Obama was a messianic figure descending to bequeath health care, equality, and brotherhood on mankind - imploded. The myth of an America embracing the leftist social agenda collapsed.

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