Elegance and beauty have been banished.

My life has been nothing but a failure.

My ultimate search has been for a muse.

My whole life has been decided by fate.

All cultures have been mingled forever.

My first trip to Canada has been great!

I would have been a disastrous soldier.

You have been forgiven, so act like it!

I never have been involved in politics.

My life has been devoted to peacemaking.

God has been with me in my whole career.

There has been no warming over 18 years.

History has been the history of warfare.

You have been in Afghanistan I perceive.

Do unto others what has been done to you.

I must have been a koala in my past life.

My life has been a series of emergencies.

I have been a Jack Albertson fan forever.

I have been a stranger in a foreign land.

Because I have been lonely, I value love.

Even God has been defended with nonsense.

I have been a voracious reader for years.

I am not ruled by sex. I never have been.

Every battle, every victory has been won!

I myself have been in therapy. Repeatedly.

He must have been an incredibly good shot.

I would love to have been born in the 60s.

I have been loved said Edward to the stars

If you have been, I'm glad you've stopped.

I am young, but I have been through a lot.

All my life has been about proving myself.

NATO has been a thread throughout my life.

Most of the sighs we hear have been edited.

Xbox has been created by gamers for gamers.

I have been recording for five decades now.

I have been nothing, but there is tomorrow.

How could I have been anyone other than me?

We are the change we have been waiting for.

Memory is the medium of the must-have-been.

The last few years have been pretty hectic.

I'm a supporter of Israel, always have been.

The family of Dane Heggem has been betrayed.

Competitiveness has been a big thing for me.

I'm deeply ambitious and I always have been.

I do have to say I have been very fortunate.

I have been despised by better men than you.

I'm happy to have been a positive influence.

All the great ages have been ages of belief.

No man is a man until he has been a soldier.

Traditions have been replaced by lifestyles.

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