Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working ...

Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Harness the power of peers.

Freedom is when you are easy in the harness.

Let us live in the harness, striving mightily.

I cannot harness a horse. I am afraid of a cow.

You have freedom when you're easy in your harness.

Great men should drink with harness on their throats.

I'd like to harness their youthful energy with a strap.

Harness mules and oxen, but give a horse a chance to run.

Harness the imagination, for she is the whole of happiness.

Once we harness ourselves to love, it carries us to eternity.

I get claustrophobic in a harness. I'd be a terrible superhero.

There is nothing we cannot do if we harness the power within us.

We need to harness the boundless energy and creativity of our youth.

I did a lot of stunts, so the harness work isn't foreign to me either.

The future of the world will belong to whoever can harness energy and food.

Companies and managers that find a way to harness social media stand to gain.

Harness the Power of Accelerated Failure - the faster you fail, the faster you succeed.

Of course we should harness IT to strengthen public protection and public service delivery.

We want to design interventions to teach people how to harness their considerable willpower.

The harness of waterfalls is the most economical method known for drawing energy from the sun.

Our task is to harness the God-given energy of this German nation to stand firm for the Truth.

Nevada is poised to lead our nation in renewable development and we must harness those resources.

Can you harness the power of drugs without them taking over, without turning into a dazed zombie?

It becomes an emperor to die standing (i.e., "in harness"). [Lat., Decet imperatorem statem mori.]

We have to harness the Olympic experience and this inspiration young people have to get into sport.

When you learn to harness the power of your fears it can take you places beyond your wildest dreams.

Your words are so powerful and precious. Learn to harness them, guide them and let them work for you.

I'm not proud that, in my time, I've tried to harness the power of prayer to fit into a pair of jeans.

My fire is my gift and my curse. I harness it 95% of the time, but the 5% I don't, it works against me.

The crowd's a really powerful force on the Internet, and people finally understand how to harness that.

I had learned to harness ignorance with presumption. I was ready to become an unacknowledged watercolorist.

We wanted to harness the power of technology to make it possible for anyone to sell tickets to any type of event.

The bravest soldiers aren't unafraid, but they're the ones who are able to harness their fear on behalf of courage.

Mother Nature has been the best bioengineer in history. Why not harness the evolutionary process to design proteins?

Dangling in space I realised I could always slip out of the harness. I looked forward to the peace of the great release.

You have to learn how to harness technology so you can use it for positive stuff without being disconnected from nature.

I have never in my life walked with a harness. The weight of the tether, makes it feel like I'm dragging an anchor behind me.

A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness.

The real opportunity is to harness the inventive power of the world to locally design and produce solutions to local problems.

The person who figures out how to harness the collective genius of his or her organization is going to blow the competition away.

Our history with Americans goes back over 80 years. They came here, they helped us harness our oil and gas, and we became leaders.

In space, if you push, you are usually going somewhere, so staying on the treadmill was a challenge at first, even with the harness.

Biology, it's the technology which builds our world, and we can harness it to shift humanity from a scarcity to an abundance economy.

Voluntary personal savings accounts would enable future retirees to harness the power of the marketplace when saving for their retirements.

I want to see a connected and progressive future for Australia, where we harness our greatest natural resources: sun, wind, and brain power.

We need more imagination, more innovation and more public financing for projects and programmes that harness the positive energy of young men.

Youth is beautiful; its friendship is precious; the intercourse with it is a purifying release from the worn and stained harness of older life.

I love doing stuff in a harness. It's surprising what you can actually do. I'm reasonably coordinated, so I can do flips and the flipping kicks.

As the nation's elderly population grows, dozens of industries have tried to harness the political might of older Americans for corporate goals.

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