I've spent many hours on national TV talking about politics and current affairs, including sexual harassment and the #MeToo Movement.

There's so many careers that didn't happen because women are like, 'I can't deal with this harassment. I'm going to leave this industry.'

Women cannot be equal participants in a society that views sexual assault and sexual harassment the way Donald Trump and his defenders do.

If you want to cut crime, if you want to end homelessness, you have to deal with sexual violence, sexual harassment, and domestic violence.

Game studios, developers, and major publishers need to vocally speak up against the harassment of women and say this behavior is unacceptable.

The West has a better understanding of what the word sexual abuse or harassment means. There are some concepts that they understand way better.

I know what sexual harassment looks like. I'm also a lawyer by training and am highly aware that these behaviors should have real consequences.

My family and I have been the target of constant harassment and death threats, and I have been called the most vile and hateful names imaginable.

I can't watch Kevin Spacey's show anymore, though I have loved it earlier, because he has been accused of harassment. It disgusts me as a person.

In a fascist shift, reporters start to face more and more harassment, and they have to be more and more courageous simply in order to do their jobs.

Whether it's Hollywood or Bollywood, sexual harassment is a reality. I've experienced it first-hand, and I know many of my counterparts have as well.

The brutality of apartheid drains you of that emotion of fear if you have gone through everything you can be put through in the process of harassment.

If you're ringing my doorbell eight times every three minutes and hiding behind my garbage cans, I will call the police. That is literally harassment.

The struggles of dealing with online harassment is the same harassment that women have been dealing with, it's just a new medium in which it's happening.

But the issue of sexual harassment is not the end of it. There are other issues - political issues, gender issues - that people need to be educated about.

Encouraging individual firms to develop forward-leaning policies that address sexual harassment is necessary, but alone such prescriptions are insufficient.

Workplace harassment and gender discrimination exist in all spheres, not just films. I have been lucky enough not to face it, but I don't deny its existence.

I'm setting up a fund to empower girls and women to speak up - on all issues, not just sexual harassment. For me, it's about inspiring women to come together.

I'm all for teaching about important concepts like consent; I'm also very aware of how damaging and destructive it can be to be a victim of sexual harassment.

During three decades' worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three quarters of a million dollars.

Obviously, there is much similarity among the challenges of transgender people and all women - from health care to harassment to discrimination in the workplace.

I've advised clients to fire or take other serious action against executives and other managers who, in my judgment, had engaged in harassment or other misconduct.

Harassment is the background radiation of my life. It is a factor in every decision I make. Any time I tweet something or make a post, I'm always thinking about it.

We all know that abuse, harassment, and worse have long invaded the entertainment ecosystem. That story goes back to the beginning of Hollywood... probably farther.

To end the pervasive culture of sexual harassment, it can no longer be the norm that men look the other way. It only ends when men actively participate in ending it.

Anything else that is not sexual assault or sexual harassment - those will be typically subject to arbitration. And Uber is like most other companies in that regard.

When someone is humiliating and harassing a woman, he must be knowing that the victim is needy and left with no option but to tolerate such harassment to save the job.

The intense campaigns against domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, and inequity in the schools all too often depend on an image of women as weak and victimized.

Sexual harassment law is very important. But I think it would be a mistake if the sexual harassment law movement is the only way in which feminism is known in the media.

I've never experienced sexual harassment at work, but I 100% believe and support everyone that has come forward, because I'm very lucky that it has never happened to me.

Safe working conditions, fair wages, protection from forced labor, and freedom from harassment and discrimination - these must become standard global operating conditions.

We need to get rid of bullying. We need to get rid of abuse. We need to get rid of harassment. We need to get rid of the casting couch. Instead, we need to build the bench.

Rent-stabilized tenants face harassment. They face illegal evictions. They're confronted with ceaseless 'buy-out' offers that promise a quick buck if they give up their homes.

The supposedly petty sexual harassment that so many women have to endure, from Hollywood studios to the factory floor at Ford, is a national outrage that needs to end. Period.

Religious minority communities in India have endured incidents of harassment, discrimination, intimidation and violent attacks for decades, often with little hope for justice.

As a community, Silicon Valley must adopt principles that reflect our abhorrence toward sexual harassment - and it is these principles that must guide our collective behavior.

My experiences have also convinced me that sexual harassment is very rarely publicly punished after it is reported, and then only after a pattern of relatively egregious offenses.

Our industry is made up of so many separate entities and participants, it seems we might benefit from creating a harassment ombudsman in each union, or one for the whole industry.

I think golf is a waste of time and a waste of a sunny afternoon. I also stink at it. I have never found anything, including divorce and a sexual harassment suit, more frustrating.

I would like to say that what Mel Phillips was doing was not sexual harassment but more sexual abuse of children, because he was doing it in a sexual manner now that I look back on it.

Every university has its problems. The issues range from lack of amenities, plagiarism, poor quality research, sexual harassment, faculty moonlighting, and faulty and biased recruitment.

The daily deluge of tales of lechery and trauma holds a hidden but crucial truism: sexual harassment routinely feeds on income inequality. After all, it's much harder to exploit an equal.

She was the only woman in the homicide unit, and already there had been problems between her and another detective, charges of sexual harassment, countercharges of unrelenting bitchiness.

I haven't faced harassment in terms of work, but I think every girl in India has gone through some or the other awkward moment in public where she was eve-teased or touched inappropriately.

Of all the threats to free speech in history, the one the media give the most credibility to without question is the feminist movement, which is trying to rebrand public debate as harassment.

Dictatorships do cut down on rape, and pillage, not to mention sexual harassment, by the simple expedient of sending people to labour camps for life or cutting off their hands without a trial.

Unfortunately, I have the equivalent of 7 PhDs in harassment on Twitter. As one of the primary targets of Gamergate, I've had hundreds and hundreds of threats to my life on Twitter's platform.

I was thrilled when I heard about the Time's Up campaign's legal defense fund for women who've experienced harassment and sexism. I'd been longing for this movement to extend beyond Hollywood.

I have watched the spread of violent extremism and jihadism across Europe and the U.K. with dismay, particularly given my history of experiencing threats, abuse, and harassment by Muslim fanatics.

Even though we have laws against it and HR departments to handle it, a woman - especially if she is young and just starting out - can never be sure that reporting harassment won't hurt her career.

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