The hallmark of successful people is that they are always stretching themselves to learn new things.

Optimism - even, and perhaps especially in the face of difficulty - has long been an American hallmark.

I grew up in Virginia, where Hallmark Channel is king. So I'm really excited to join the holiday family.

I think that's a hallmark of a really good story that it has readers that it speaks to more than others.

Many of the engineers I interviewed worked on reverse-engineering technology. It's a hallmark of Area 51.

Anyone can criticize or accept praise, but initiating a positive exchange is a hallmark of a difference maker.

Specialized meaninglessness has come to be regarded, in certain circles, as a kind of hallmark of true science.

Gold and diamonds are nice, but clean, crisp, controlled water has long been the preeminent hallmark of the rich.

Peaceful protest is a hallmark of our democracy. It has been in impetus for social change throughout our history.

What my parents taught me was that the hallmark of a thriving democracy was an effective and respectful police force.

Insight essentially means being able to see things other people are not able to see. This is the hallmark of leadership.

As we leave the E.U., the U.K. can turn its back on the austerity policies that have been the hallmark of the euro area.

It was a hallmark of Nelson Mandela's leadership that being open to change made him appear not weaker, but even stronger.

Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece.

Good governance with good intentions is the hallmark of our government. Implementation with integrity is our core passion.

A great hallmark of mental wellness is the ability to be in the present moment, fully and with no thoughts of being elsewhere.

Modesty in dress and language and deportment is a true mark of refinement and a hallmark of a virtuous Latter-day Saint woman.

I love being a part of Hallmark and being able to provide people with some sort of 'mini-vacation' from reality. It's fantastic.

The hallmark of good science is the testing of a plausible hypothesis that is then either supported or rejected by the evidence.

I am honored to have had two Hallmark Hall of Fame Productions made from my novels - 'Silver Bells' and 'Follow the Stars Home.'

Planning is really the hallmark of any large military formation, and it's typically a weakness in new formations and new armies.

The hallmark of courage in our age of conformity is the capacity to stand on one's own convictions - not obstinately or defiantly

I can't be told life is beautiful through a normal positive thinking book or a Hallmark movie; that language doesn't work for me.

This is the way federal land management should work. Cooperation, not confrontation, should be the hallmark of conservation efforts.

I feel like a total hippie right now. I'm passionate about all sorts of things - a lot of boring, cuddly Hallmark things, to be honest.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but one should always make new ones. Repeating mistakes is a hallmark of dim consciousness.

Spontaneity, the hallmark of childhood, is well worth cultivating to counteract the rigidity that may otherwise set in as we grow older.

Look, if Hallmark called me for anything, I'd be there. They were there for me for five years so of course, I love those guys, so anytime.

One of the very hallmarks of our nation is the ideal of E Pluribus Unum. It is a concept that richly flows from the highest ideals of our nation.

It is a hallmark of the American system of justice that anyone who appears as a litigant in an American courtroom is treated with dignity and respect.

Jean-Paul Sartre, the existentialist philosopher who celebrated the anguish of decision as a hallmark of responsibility, has no place in Silicon Valley.

Hallmark Channel treats their actors and actresses with utmost respect. Their scripts remind of me of why entertainment exists in the first place: escape.

Of course Pluto is a planet: It's massive enough to have its shape controlled by gravity rather than material strength, which is the hallmark of planethood.

If voters' anger is the hallmark of the 2016 campaign, nothing has generated that anger as much as the establishment's decade-long duplicity on immigration.

I can say the willingness to get dirty has always defined us as an nation, and it's a hallmark of hard work and a hallmark of fun, and dirt is not the enemy.

The ability to 'multitask,' to switch rapidly among many competing focuses of attention, has become the hallmark of a successful citizen of the 21st century.

My mother never liked Mother's Day. She thought it was a fake holiday dreamed up by Hallmark to commodify deep sentiments that couldn't be expressed with a card.

Most of an award-show host's job is showing up and keeping a cool head and soldiering through it, whether it's the Oscars or the Hallmark Channel's 'Hero Dog Awards.'

The highest hallmark of a civilized society is not the rapidity by which it exacts vengeance, but its ability to hold victim and victimizer in its compassionate heart.

Any translation which intends to perform a transmitting function cannot transmit anything but information-hence, something inessential. This is the hallmark of bad translations.

The true hallmark of how advanced a person is, is how they treat those around them. Not simply what they say or what they preach, but the results they generate, how kind they are.

Exposing the activities of a foreign intelligence service renders them ineffective, since it removes plausible deniability, which is the hallmark of covert intelligence operations.

Not to sound cliche or like I'm reading something off the back of a Hallmark card, but with anything challenging you're going to do in life, the belief needs to start first from within.

This is a hallmark trait of the left. There is never any effort to elevate anybody. Liberalism is all about tearing down. Liberalism is all about lowering. It is all about destroying 'em.

Among the radio astronomers of SETI - the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - it's only sort-of a joke that the true hallmark of intelligent life is the creation of radio astronomy.

Quite frankly, the Urban brand organization became too siloed, with too little communication across functional areas. The great creativity that has been the hallmark of our success became stifled.

A hallmark of the Latino community is to help one another, if students are interested in a way to give back and help their communities, becoming a teacher is probably one of the very best ways of doing that.

As a songwriter who uses lyrics to connect with others, it made perfect sense for me to partner with Hallmark, the leading greeting card brand that also uses words to help people make meaningful connections.

All the textbooks talk about avoidance as a classic hallmark of anxiety disorder. So you need a therapist who is sympathetic and understanding but will also push you to do precisely the things that scare you.

The recent blind faith some Republicans have shown toward free trade actually represents more of an aberration than a hallmark of true American conservatism. It's an anomaly that may well demand re-examination.

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