Half-truths are worth more than outright lies.

A bachelor, in my opinion, is only half alive.

But maybe half a lie is worse than a real lie.

A garden is half made when it is well planned.

An apt aphorism half kills, half immortalizes.

I broke that town in half like a wooden match.

I haven't seen a half-monkey, half person yet.

Better know nothing than half-know many things.

A wise man's question contains half the answer.

Half our fears arise from neglect of the Bible.

It is not half so important to know as to feel.

Half of golf is fun; the other half is putting.

A half-truth is usually less than half of that.

One's not half two. It's two are halves of one.

Knowledge is only one half. Faith is the other.

A good half of the art of living is resilience.

Wisdom deprives even poverty of half its power.

He thought he was a wit, and he was half right.

A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.

A man who never sees a bluebird only half lives.

I'm still only half the writer I hope I will be.

Half a page--and the morning is already ancient.

It is either a half-truth or a truth and a half.

Trouble that is easily recognized is half-cured.

It was six of a half and one dozen of the other.

I taught sixth grade for three and a half years.

want won't kill you half as quick as worry will.

Pittacus said that half was more than the whole.

Love is a desire for that lost half of ourselves.

A favor is half granted, when graciously refused.

If the paintings are too large, cut them in half!

A half-truth does more mischief than a whole lie.

Half-truths can be as deceptive as outright lies.

I was half Catskills comedian, half 1800s matron.

Half the world knows not how the other half lies.

May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!

We can deploy a half a billion more solar panels.

Only about half of all commercials actually work.

I worked in restaurants the first half of my life.

A problem clearly stated is a problem half solved.

We want Google to be the third half of your brain.

A dentist is only half the doctor he claims to be.

A hope fulfilled is already half a disappointment.

In a good marriage each is the others better half.

You don’t have the courage of a half-bred mongrel.

Some of my best work is done when I'm half asleep.

Half the time I don't know what I'm trying to say.

Left to himself, man is half beast and half devil.

Half of the people in the world are below average.

A painting that is well composed is half finished.

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