The beginning is half of the whole.

Only the half-mad are wholly alive.

Half my life is an act of revision.

The half is greater than the whole.

I don't like half the folks I love.

I have not told half of what I saw.

Half the battle is just showing up.

To be prepared is half the victory.

Half-heartedness never won a battle.

Half a loaf is better than no bread.

Better is half a loaf than no bread.

There are no half-hearted champions.

Send me the half that's got my keys.

Half-wits talk much, but say little.

Believe me, than in half the creeds.

I never said half the things I said.

Does my being half-naked bother you?

Two half truths do not make a truth.

Technically, we're all half centaur.

A bird in a cage is not half a bird.

Reason, you'll always be half-blind.

I'm not greedy. I just want my half.

The bastards murdered half my family.

I spent 24 and a half years in prison

By many a temple half as old as Time.

I am completely half afraid to think.

Courage in danger is half the battle.

Fortune resists half-hearted prayers.

Hunt half a day for a forgotten dream.

Experience is only half of experience.

Don't bother. The glass is half-empty.

I like to look at the glass half full.

I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead.

Im a hoot and a half, I like to think.

I like to look at the glass half full.

Most hard-boiled people are half-baked.

If God is good half the Bible is libel.

People always remember the second half.

I have not told the half of what I saw.

Half-knowledge is worse than ignorance.

Talent without tact is only half talent.

We share half our genes with the banana.

One does not make revolutions by halves.

Half a truth is better than no politics.

If you cut me in half, I'm a footballer.

Half is done when the beginning is done.

Women hold up the other half of the sky.

Malice drinks one-half of its own poison.

Detroit... where 'mother' is half a word.

I'm limitless. Glass is always half full.

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