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A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.
it was her habit to build up laughter out of inadequate materials.
Applying sunscreen became a habit that now I use in my daily life.
I don't need an alarm clock, for habit is the best alarm there is.
Bad books engender bad habits, but bad habits engender good books.
the attempt to break a habit of years is necessarily experimental.
I fell, you see. Trod on my abbot, Father Habit. Oh, dear! I mean.
We love our habits more than our income, often more than our life.
Customs are generally unselfish. Habits are nearly always selfish.
If you get into the habit of cutting corners, they start to add up.
One has to grow up with good talk in order to form the habit of it.
I'm not in the habit of looking back - I leave that till I get old.
I got into a habit really early about not talking about work, ever.
No particular motive for living, except the custom and habit of it.
Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity.
The greatest object in educating is to give a right habit of study.
Books form in us habits of thought which shall live forever with us.
For a habit to stay changed, people must believe change is possible.
Healthy thinking is a habit, just like neurotic thinking is a habit.
You have to forgive me because I have a habit of not winning things.
Come on Canada, it's time to kick our bad habits and get into shape!
A goal gets us motivated,while a good habit keeps us stay motivated.
Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.
Habits, good or bad, can always be traced back to your own thinking.
I'm a creature of habit. I go to restaurants all the time and stuff.
There are no good or bad habits. All habits are, by definition, bad.
I have no faith in a human critter who hasn't one or two bad habits.
I have a rotten habit of picturing the bedroom scenes of my friends.
Fully 95 percent of our behavior, feeling, and response is habitual.
Luck has a peculiar habit of favoring those who do not depend on it.
Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities.
Humans have a habit of running faster when they have lost their way.
Habits are products of our choice; we are what we make of ourselves.
Every once in a while someone without a single bad habit gets caught.
The Christian's fellowship with God is rather a habit than a rapture.
Habit is overcome by habit. [Lat., Consuetudo consuetudine vincitur.]
Winners develop the habit of doing the thing losers don't like to do.
It is not in novelty but in habit that we find the greatest pleasure.
No habit has any real hold on you other than the hold you have on it.
We want to sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and rashness.
Cutting out bad habits is far more effective than cutting out organs.
The evolution from happiness to habit is one of death's best weapons.
Age, habits of business and experience have modified many characters.
Dissimilarity of habit tends more than anything to destroy affection.
The hardest habit of all to break is the terrible habit of happiness.
Practice conquers the habit of doing, without reflecting on the rule.
I'm very much a creature of habit. I don't like to try to new things.
People talk about sexual assault like it's a bad habit that men have.
Love is the hardest habit to break, and the most difficult to satisfy.
We build our character from the bricks of habit we pile up day by day.