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Eminem is like a God to me. Besides that, Kurt Cobain has been my evergreen musical guru.
I have no disciples, being myself an aspirant after discipleship and in search of a guru.
The reason that 'guru' is such a popular word is because 'charlatan' is so hard to spell.
I know the guru route, I know you go sit on a mountain. But screw India. I ain't going there.
I bow at His Feet constantly, and pray to Him, the Guru, the True Guru, has shown me the Way.
Meeting the True Guru, hunger departs, hunger does not depart by wearing the robes of a beggar.
In whosever presence you find peace of mind, devoid of fear, only that person can be your guru.
[Donald Trump] guru Steve Bannon is worse, he's much scarier. He probably knows what he's doing.
Let no man in the world live in delusion. Without a Guru none can cross over to the other shore.
I'm no parenting guru. I suppose you just take everyday as it comes and do what you think is best.
Gurus Enable you to see new things. The trouble with Gurus is that you can rarely see beyond them.
I came to the cinema industry to become a director from the inspiration of Guru Dutt and Shantaram.
I'm not modern or ancient: I'm just contemporary. I'm sure every guru of his time was contemporary.
The real guru is the pure intellect within; and the purified, deeply aspiring mind is the disciple.
Mr. Bachchan is one of the best things to have happened in my life. The best teacher, the best guru.
The word 'guru' is very loaded, so I would never refer to myself that way. I see myself as a teacher.
If you observe awareness steadily, this awareness itself becomes the Guru that will reveal the Truth.
I hang out with my guru in my heart. And I love every thing in the universe. That's all I do all day.
Guru always titled the Gang Starr albums. But once it came to 'Hard to Earn,' he wanted me to title it.
'Lakshmi' is a dance film, a musical that deals with the emotional bond between the guru and his sishya.
I grew up watching Mickey Mouse and going to Disney World, like, 2,000 times. Mickey Mouse is like my guru.
I was brought up by my mother, and she is my guru in classical singing. I have trained primarily under her.
Guru Nanak Dev lives in our hearts. He is our common legacy. He is the guiding light for the entire humanity.
You can never really know what a guru is as long as you are imprisoned by your own thoughts and circular ego.
A lot of Friday nights, Guru and I would go kick it with Biggie, since he was just three blocks down from us.
A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are.
I consider Rajamouli my guru. He is a friend with whom I can discuss all my professional and personal matters.
My real guru are my experiences in life - the realisation that you are alone in this world came very early to me.
I was brought up on Black Sabbath, David Bowie, 50 Cent, and Guru. And it all comes out in my own music somewhere.
I met Leo Fender, who is the guru of all amplifiers, and he gave me a Stratocaster. He became a second father to me.
After watching Guru Dutt's films, I became a huge fan of Sahir Ludhianvi's poetry and the songs of Guru Dutt's films.
A guru is like a live road map. If you want to walk uncharted terrain, I think it is sensible to walk with a road map.
Jazzmatazz' was Guru's thing, but Gang Starr was his baby. I don't care what anybody says. That dude loved Gang Starr.
I have never said that there is no need for a guru. All depends on what you call guru. He need not be in a human form.
Thanks to my family and guru. They were quite confident that I could do it and think about music as a full-time career.
Guru Nanak Dev ji's life and teachings give a message of affection, compassion and brotherhood for the entire humanity.
I'm a beauty guru, and it looks fun and crazy, and, like, I have the most fun life ever, but that's not always the case.
All of the religions are looking after the poor. At least leave me alone to look after the rich. I am the rich man's guru.
There are so many things that pop up. If you are paying attention, you can learn every second of the day. Life is my guru.
When I got my knee replacement and I opened my eyes straight outta surgery, the first person standing there was Guru's son.
I am proud to be a Sikh and am a true disciple of Guru Gobind Singh, who sacrificed his entire family for the Sikh religion.
Most people think of me as a makeup guru, but might be surprised to know I'm also a trained artist and a huge comic book fan.
Religion is man-made. Even the men who made it cannot agree on what their prophets or redeemers or gurus actually said or did.
There have been several turning points in my life but meeting my guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji numbers amongst the biggest of them.
I work with actors who fit the bill. I have worked with Abhishek in 'Yuva,' 'Guru' and 'Raavan' because he was the perfect choice.
Guru had such a different voice from most people. Plus he had a Boston accent! So, I always made sure the beats were tailored to him.
QBert is pretty much the Jimi Hendrix of DJing. He is so far advanced. So far ahead of everybody else. He's like Yoda! Like the guru.
All that a guru can tell you is: 'My dear Sir, you are quite mistaken about yourself. You are not the person you take yourself to be.'
In India, there's a way of seeing life as a cosmic play. It's called Lila. I can watch my life, and I can see my guru playing with me.
The great thing about gurus is not that they make you feel everybody's love. It's that they make you feel that you can love everybody.