Relationship is thus always slavery of a kind, which leaves a residue of guilt.

In darkness one may be ashamed of what one does, without the shame of disgrace.

Catholics have guilt and Jews have guilt, fine. But mothers can trump them all.

They whose guilt within their bosom lies, imagine every eye beholds their blame.

When she can't bring me to heal with scolding, she bends me to shape with guilt.

I have no qualms: no shame, no guilt, no embarrassment. I tend to act out a lot.

Denial, panic, threats, anger - those are very human responses to feeling guilt.

We are not guilty because we are depraved; we are depraved because we are guilty

I treat myself occasionally and don't have any guilt or conditions placed on it.

The Constitution does not trust judges to make determinations of criminal guilt.

All religions are the same: religion is basically guilt, with different holidays.

Every working mom I know is constantly walking some kind of a tightrope of guilt.

One of the more gratifying things about guilt is that it makes us feel important.

What drives passion for getting the gospel to all people is not guilt, it's glory.

I'm an Episcopal, which is Catholic Lite. It's like same religion, half the guilt.

We prefer a meaningless collective guilt to a meaningful individual responsibility

As fleeting emotions stalk it, a face can leak fear or the guilt of a forming lie.

No one blames her." "That never matters," said Alec. "Not when you blame yourself.

It is easy to defend the innocent; but who is eloquent enough to defend the guilty?

Guilt is a timorous thing ere perpetration; despair alone makes guilty men be bold.

I don't believe in collective guilt, but I do believe in collective responsibility.

Probably the only thing my mom and dad agreed on was the vital importance of guilt.

Don't medicate dysfunction with spending. No amount of stuff will get rid of guilt.

Nothing but man of all envenomed things, doth work upon itself, with inborn stings.

It is only too easy to compel a sensitive human being to feel guilty about anything.

Sin, guilt, neurosis; they are one and the same, the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

With no guilt and no shame, no sorrow or blame. Whatever it is, we are all the same.

Don't lose sleep over things you cannot change! Wash away guilt - it's not worth it.

Guilt is a gift from Allah warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul

I had no sense of guilt. All during the course of the operation, I knew it was a job.

But who would dare condemn me in this world with no judges, where no one is innocent!

No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future

Not One Tiny Slice of that Guilt will Do Anything to Change a Single Thing in the Past

We were not born with guilt nor obligation. When you give in to guilt, you endorse it.

Be this thy brazen bulwark, to keep a clear conscience, and never turn pale with guilt.

Guilt once harbored in the conscious breast, intimidates the brave, degrades the great.

There's no problem so awful that you can't add some guilt to it and make it even worse!

Regrets are the most useless form of guilt. They always arrive too late to do any good.

But you can't stay with people because of guilt. Or because they can drive a speedboat.

Ah! it is well for the unfortunate to be resigned, but for the guilty there is no peace.

Any thoughts of guilt, any feelings of regret, had faded. The desert had baked them out.

As parents we all have that underlying guilt about how much time we give to our careers.

Guilt is also a way for us to express to others that we are a person of good conscience.

...every man shares the responsibility and the guilt of the society to which he belongs.

My mother should have been Jewish. She could have taught a class on how to induce guilt.

He that's ungrateful has no guilt but one; All other crimes may pass for virtues in him.

The journey of life is both too short and too precious to be sidetracked by guilt trips.

Men the most infamous are fond of fame, And those who fear not guilt yet start at shame.

The human capacity for guilt is such that people can always find ways to blame themselves

How extraordinary it is that one feels most guilt about the sins one is unable to commit.

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