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Guilt didn't put any butter on the bread of life.
Punishment closely follows guilt as its companion.
Let me be the ring leader in your guilt gang-bang.
Guilt is not the best way to remedy your mistakes.
Most of modern rock and roll is a product of guilt.
There is no greater guilt than the unneccessary war.
God hath yoked to guilt her pale tormentor,--misery.
Alas! it is a fearful thing To feel another's guilt!
I think I have serious latent Catholic guilt issues.
Guilt is the reason they put the articles in Playboy.
Guilt pins a fig-leaf; Innocence is its own adorning.
Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.
Beside one deed of guilt, how blest is guiltless woe!
Guilt is a very good thing if it is shared by others.
Guiltiness will speak, though tongues were out of use
I really believe guilt finds its way out of a person.
Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does.
Guilt is only another way of avoiding informed action.
I do not believe in guilt, moderation or dull pencils.
I believe much of our lives is about guilt management.
Guilt is the one burden human beings can't bear alone.
Guilt. It comes naturally to me as a Jew and a Liberal.
Guilt results from unused life, from the unlived in us.
The guilt that accompanies mistakes can be washed away.
Glory, built on selfish principles, is shame and guilt.
I was brought up as a Catholic. I've got A-level guilt.
I was raised with a sense of duty, obedience and guilt.
Guilt is a weird thing to me. I don't have a lot of it.
Men are that they might have joy . . . not guilt trips.
He is not guilty who is not guilty of his own free will.
I kinda don't do guilt. I gave it up for Lent years ago.
Guilt, remorse. It's what separates us from the animals.
Guilt can stop us from taking healthy care of ourselves.
Guilt agonizes over trifles, ignores habitual wrongdoing.
Innocence does not find near so much protection as guilt.
Guilt [is] a tool, rather than a weapon against the self.
I'm an Irish Catholic and I have a long iceberg of guilt.
I wish I could say I felt guilty for what I did. I don't.
Their guilt made me eloquent because I was not its victim.
The problem with guilt is that it cements you to the past.
The guilt of a government is the crime of a whole country.
Guilt is one of those useless emotions I refuse to indulge.
Innocence is lucky if it finds the same protection as guilt
The guilt of enforced crimes lies on those who impose them.
I regard that man as lost, who has lost his sense of shame.
My guiding principle is this: Guilt is never to be doubted.
After eating a hundred mice, the cat makes a hadj to Mecca.
I don't feel any guilt complex about The Lord of the Rings.
Guilt is about something you do. Shame is about who you are.