A static hero is a public liability. Progress grows out of motion.

When your roots grow out and things go south, go back to the salon

We grow up never questioning that which is unquestioned around us.

As areas of knowledge grow, so too do the perimeters of ignorance.

There are as many foolhardy ways to grow as there are to downsize.

Asking questions is one of the best ways to grow as a human being.

We will only grow as big as we dream that's why we must dream big.

Souderton was a good town to grow up in. Everybody knew each other.

With one film after another becoming a hit, nervousness only grows.

The only way you're going to grow is to be in difficult situations.

I've had to grow up with everyone watching me, which has been hard.

As you grow older, your whole life becomes very rich, multifaceted.

Money is like manure: if you don't spread it around, nothing grows.

Any business either grows or dies. You've just got to keep growing.

The only kind of love that helps anyone grow is unconditional love.

My friends: let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary.

What really makes science grow is new ideas, including false ideas.

I suppose the point you grow up is the point you let the dreams go.

Work grows out of other work, and there are very few eureka moments

I like to see things start, grow, and then move on to better things.

Out of association grows adhesion, and out of adhesion amalgamation.

I'm a person who likes to develop. I like for people to see me grow.

The only real failure is the failure to grow from what we go through

The seed must grow regardless Of the fact that it’s planted in stone

When you fall in love with the system, you lose the ability to grow.

Work grows out of other work, and there are very few eureka moments.

From the time that you are a child, you grow up repressing yourself.

Sometimes, niña, our greatest gifts grow from what we are not given.

It took me ages to grow into being a woman, into being happy with it.

Love is something that grows, that comes from nourishment; it builds.

The world grows more enlightened. Knowledge is more equally diffused.

Compulsive modernization is the insatiable desire to change and grow.

It takes a leader to know a leader, grow a leader, and show a leader.

All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads, and sows itself anew.

Hardships drive some people apart. Others, like us, grow even closer.

New things have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow.

'What will people say?' is a feeling every Indian girl grows up with.

For me to grow, I have to know about the foundation that came before.

No comedian grows up thinking, 'I hope one day to have a show on CNN.'

If fear grows fat on the energy you feed it, you have to talk it down.

If you can't help me grow, there's no point with you being in my life.

See how elastic our prejudices grow when once love comes to bend them.

As long as a person doesn't know what he doesn't know, he doesn't grow

I warmly commend it to all Christians who want to grow in their faith.

The Bible grows more beautiful, as we grow in our understanding of it.

It's very hard to grow up in a perfect family when you're not perfect.

It is good for football that the game grows in new areas of the world.

One does not fall in love; one grows into love, and love grows in him.

Men don't get smarter when they grow older. They just lose their hair.

You do not grow stronger by accident - you grow stronger by intention.

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