Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, ...

Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.

A grownup is a child with layers on.

In the grownup world an apology tour is just for show.

Election night is the easiest time to act like a grownup.

'In Memoriam' has been my companion for all my grownup life.

Every kid who hated grownups becomes a grownup. Well, except the ones who died.

We need a grownup conversation about why our political economy is killing life on Earth.

Someday perhaps I'll have to get a grownup job... but for now I'm having too much fun being a reporter.

I think I was a bit frightened of having to be a grownup and tried to put that off for as long as I could.

One of the coolest things is going to another country and learning their culture and learning how to be a grownup.

I don't think I really realized what being an adult and being a real grownup was until I was at least twenty-eight.

I have a problem getting all my laundry done, cleaning up and doing all of the normal daily things that a grownup should do.

Being a grownup means assuming responsibility for yourself, for your children, and - here's the big curve - for your parents.

When I was eleven, my mother gave me Robert K. Massie's 'Nicholas and Alexandra.' It was the first 'grownup' book I read, and I loved it.

I'm not too proud of the movies I made as a grownup except for 'That Hagen Girl', which nobody remembers but which gave me a chance to act.

Don't forget that compared to a grownup person every baby is a genius. Think of the capacity to learn! The freshness, the temperament, the will of a baby a few months old!

I've gone through several cycles. When I was little, I was the cute kid with missing teeth and funny one-liners. Then I moved on to be the young guy who wanted to be a grownup.

No matter how fine your suit and your shoes, you will remind everyone that you are not yet a grownup man by wearing them with your old college knapsack, in its nasty, nylon glory.

I'm glad Phil Jackson got the rings for Chicago. You traded me away from New York, cool. It's all business; it's all love, whatever. But I'm a grownup now. You not my hero no more.

A child's fear is a world whose dark corners are quite unknown to grownup people; it has its sky and its abysses, a sky without stars, abysses into which no light can ever penetrate.

Wishing there were more children's books like 'The Snowy Day' is a bit like wishing there were more grownup books like 'Anna Karenina.' There are only so many masterpieces out there.

My favorite part on 'Energy Fields,' at the end of the track is a little girl laughing, and to me, it's a child watching the world, her friends, and so-called grownup people, and the way they try to understand the world.

When I was really little, I wanted to be our first woman president. I always knew I want to be the kind of grownup who makes people's lives better. And since that's pretty much the job of the President of the United States, it seemed like a good idea.

It's a very hard thing for all of us to accept ourselves at all the different stages - the horrible side, the wonderful side, the adorable side - and who you are as a grownup. And then to bring what you learned as a child to that grownup: that is the magic of creativity.

I have no sense of myself as a sex symbol at all. But the meaning of sex symbol might be a little different in Japan to elsewhere. The Japanese version seems to come with a stronger emphasis on a sort of grownup or mature male charm. And if that's the case, then I guess I'm happy to hear it.

I think your 20s are the hardest part of life. I mean, everyone goes on about how hard it is to be a teenager, but actually I think it's tougher to be in your 20s because you're expected to be a grownup and expected to earn your own living and be successful and I think you feel like a kid still.

There was a point when comics were considered to be mainly of interest to kids, and it was decided that kids could relate more to someone their own age than an adult. So suddenly all these previously grownup comics were lousy with sidekicks: Aquagirl, Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, Speedy, Stripesy... the list goes on.

I think when people let their inhibitions go, they're so fun and so free. I think we all have it within us, but the world, your job, responsibilities, stupid stuff you have to do as a grownup, Instagram, makes you feel like you always have to be cool, and I like any opportunity where you don't have to always be cool.

When you're young, you're always wondering when you're actually going to feel like a grownup. And I think you probably fear it, in a sense, too. There's a danger to feeling like an adult... like this whimsical kid in you is going to die or something. And then all of a sudden, one day you kind of feel like an adult and it's really nice.

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