Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.

I feel I am a little bit older. Reckon I will start growing a beard next week.

When I was growing up, the blues did seem too simple to me. I was just a muso.

I feel bad for kids growing up that, like, their favorite rapper is Lil Yachty.

Pain makes me grow. Growing is what I want. Therefore, for me pain is pleasure.

Growing old is not all sweetness and light. Old women especially are invisible.

It doesn't matter what you achieve, if you don't keep growing you'll feel dead.

All I wanted, to be petite and attractive. I was afraid I'd never stop growing.

Growing up is when you understand you get what you give, not what you're given.

I now opened my Bible and began to study, and faith has been growing ever since.

I actually was the accompanist for a couple of the musicals I was in growing up.

Cotton was a force of nature. There's a poetry to it, hoeing and growing cotton.

Stop being perfect, because obsessing over being perfect stops you from growing.

I didn't really have idols growing up, but some of my friends were huge fangirls.

Farmers only worry during the growing season, but townspeople worry all the time.

It is an ever-growing belief with me that truth cannot be found by violent means.

The growing influence of women is the one reassuring thing in our political life.

Nothing comes without hard work. I've been taught that by many people growing up.

When I was growing up, my family was so poor we couldn't afford to pay attention.

It’s part of growing up, I suppose…you always have to leave something behind you.

What's clear - and exciting - is that communication for social change is growing.

There is an extraordinary collaborative spirit when you are learning and growing.

If you are becoming more easeful, peaceful & useful then you know you are growing.

Growing up too fast and I do recall, Wishin' time would stop right in it's tracks.

As long as you're green, you're growing. As soon as you're ripe, you start to rot.

When you get the economy growing, that's when you can deal with the national debt.

The essential question is not, however, how love began, but whether it is growing.

Growing up, I have discovered over time, is rather like housework: never finished.

If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.

Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven't committed.

When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old.

The world is growing old;Who would not be at rest and freeWhere love is never cold?

One of the greatest and simplest tools for learning more and growing is doing more.

In every growing church you will find leadership that is not afraid to believe God.

Change and renewal are themes in life, arent they? We keep growing throughout life.

If you are not afraid of rising, you will see that wings start growing in your body!

There was no religion in my life growing up. Did God invent us or did we invent God?

To me, growing old is great. It's the very best thing - considering the alternative.

The advantage of growing old is that you become aware of your mistakes more quickly.

That is the tragedy of growing old, Chris. You don't leave the world. It leaves you.

I never read comics growing up. I didn't have money and I don't like to touch paper.

The rest of the world is growing so quickly, they'll be looking for anything to buy.

I will never be the best dancer or artist. I will be growing until the day I retire.

Farming is not just for growing crops, it is for the cultivation...o f human beings!

In a region with a growing population, if you're doing nothing, you're losing ground.

Rugby is a game that's constant. If you are not growing with it, you get left behind.

The growing wealth aquired by them corporations never fails to be a source of abuses.

I've tended to work at fast-growing companies that improve the way business gets done.

In my time as Archbishop of Canterbury I've seen a growing sense of unity and mission.

Imagine people growing hemp and making everything from food to fuel without petroleum!

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