We're supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right?

Everyone is growing and developing. Everyone has to go through a trial and eror process of finding what is right.

And what can we expect if we haven't any dinner, But to lose our teeth and eyelashes and keep on growing thinner?

As we're growing closer to God, I ask people to decide when God wants them to stay planted exactly where they are.

When you make a lot of money for a record company, they don't want you to evolve. Growing older, you naturally do.

Keep going is keep growing only if one keeps adding values in others' lives through the path of his life's journey

Colombia has a big market that is growing because we are elevating people out of poverty and into the middle class.

In my home state of Indiana we prove every day that you can build a growing economy on balanced budgets, low taxes.

The so-called literature of escape, with its growing popularity, is in part a revolt against the tyranny of clocks.

The streams with softest sound are flowing, The grass you almost hear it growing, You hear it now, if e'er you can.

I made 'Saving Private Ryan' for my father. He's the one who filled my head with war stories when I was growing up.

Patience is the ability to suffer a long time under the mistreatment of others without growing resentful or bitter.

I also have intense relationships with furniture... probably because we practically had none when I was growing up.

I'm growing as an artist and expanding my range, and not pigeonholing myself by doing the same thing, over and over.

I'm not irreplaceable ... I'm nothing but grass growing on the ground; when the grass dies, another one replaces it.

‎[Melisandre] "His Grace is growing fond of you." [Jon] "I can tell. He only threatened to behead me twice." Page 58

Be a spot of ground where nothing is growing, where something might be planted, a seed, possibly, from the Absolute.

Just growing up and going through life and how tough life was for me and my family, I'm always going to stay humble.

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

The biggest benefit of Apollo was the inspiration it gave to a growing generation to get into science and aerospace.

What matters to me is learning and growing, and getting to do what I love to do. As long as I can do that, I'm happy.

Somebody asked me the other day, "What do you do?" "I amuse myself by growing old," I replied. "It's a full-time job.

Whether they will or not, Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it.

There's no point in being unhappy about growing older. Just think of the millions who have been denied the privilege.

Because we are continually growing in the Lord, preachers and lay people alike must be open to the Lord's correction.

Hopefully, some day I help some of this up-and-coming talent and promote them. Boxing is growing and is here to stay.

I’m not comfortable with comfort. I’m only comfortable when I’m in a place where I’m constantly learning and growing.

Defiance to constituted authority leaped like a spark from one flammable area to another, growing in heat as it went.

Success is like a mountain in front of you that keeps growing. If you're not careful, it will take up your whole life.

We plant sod where God wants 2 plant seed. He's more interested in growing our character than having us look finished.

If we are not a little bit uncomfortable every day, we're not growing. All the good stuff is outside our comfort zone.

I prefer to invest in a company that's going after a small but rapidly growing market than a big but slow growing one.

Life is change. If you aren't growing and evolving, you're standing still, and the rest of the world is surging ahead.

I believe that God left certain drugs growing naturally upon our planet to help speed up and facilitate our evolution.

If we are going to be happy and have any chance at growing then we must learn how to forgive others ... and ourselves.

Nothing on this earth is standing still. It's either growing or it's dying. No matter if it's a tree or a human being.

News in printed form is in secular decline. However, news delivered the way consumers want it is growing and thriving.

HIV infection and AIDS is growing - but so too is public apathy. We have already lost too many friends and colleagues.

In June the bush we call alder was heavy, listless, its leaves studded with galls, growing wherever we didn't want it.

When I was growing up, there were two things that were unpopular in my house. One was me, and the other was my guitar.

Parapsychology seems to be growing further away from the progress and excitement of the rest of consciousness studies.

Some cities have fallen into ruin and some are built upon ruins but others contain their own ruins while still growing.

By improving yourself, the world is made better. Be not afraid of growing too slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.

Even a China growing at 7% or indeed less is still adding to the world economy an economy equivalent to the UK or more.

An economy growing at 7 percent per year, can and must find the resources to improve the lives of its millions of poor.

In human history there has been a continuous and growing impulse toward the regeneration and transformation of humanity.

Jock, when ye hae naething else to do, ye may be aye sticking in a tree; it will be growing, Jock, when ye 're sleeping.

Everybody's got plants, but most are just growing weeds. The cultivated have greater gardens, finer and gaudier gardens.

We're only truly secure when we can look out our kitchen window and see our food growing and our friends working nearby.

Procrastinatio n will delay your change!!! Today is a very good day to change; don't let YOU stop yourself from growing!

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