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A landscape, torn by mists and clouds, in which I can see ruins of old churches, as well as of Greek temples - that is Brahms.
If God gives you gifts you must use them to justify your life. It is what the Greeks called divine discontent that drives you.
If in the library of your house you do not have the works of the ancient Greek writers, then you live in a house with no light.
The original Greek word for enthusiasm meant "to be filled with God." When we are "filled with God" we tend to lead on purpose.
I think of evolution as a myth, like the Norse myths, the Greek myths - anybody's myths. But it was created for a rational age.
For me Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the archetypes of the collective unconscious which the Greeks used to call gods.
In politics, there are different categories of friendship. My friendship with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, for example .
The fact is that much misunderstanding is often caused by our modern attempts to limit too strictly the meaning of a Greek word.
By the time writing was invented, the Greeks and Egyptians had already learned to extract opium from poppies to facilitate sleep.
That is the ultimate synthesis - when Zorba becomes a Buddha. I am trying to create here not Zorba the Greek but Zorba the Buddha.
My father, who grew up picking olives on the Greek island of Lesbos, was a doctor. So my family expected me to become a physician.
Greek is a musical and prolific language, that gives a soul to the objects of sense, and a body to the abstractions of philosophy.
Silly of me not to have realized it. One often finds Greek temples lurking in the woods of English estates. Sneaky things, temples.
Ever since the Greek tragedies, artists have, from time to time, asked themselves how they might influence ongoing political events.
If my luck held, it wouldn't be a handsome Greek demigod looking for the love of his life or at least his love of a couple of hours.
The muse of music isn't just from Greek mythology, but living in people like the Beatles, Chuck Berry, Anita Baker, Aretha Franklin.
I always read the Capitol as f—ked up pansexuality, everybody is doing everybody. Back to Greek and Roman times! It’s all happening.
The Ethiop gods have Ethiop lips, Bronze cheeks, and woolly hair; The Grecian gods are like the Greeks, As keen-eyed, cold and fair.
The Delphic Oracle said I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because that I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing.
Ennius was the father of Roman poetry, because he first introduced into Latin the Greek manner and in particular the hexameter metre.
In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology
There are no negro problems, or Polish problems, or Jewish problems, or Greek problems, or women's problems, there are HUMAN PROBLEMS”.
All the superhero stuff is Greek myths and Greek gods, wearing tights and capes. That's what they are. That's what I gravitate towards.
Those who have a lot of money in Greece invest in housing abroad. It's all immoral. The Greek crisis is structural, but also political.
If a German or an Austrian, a Greek or a Bashibazouk, had composed Gerontius, the whole world would have by now admitted its qualities.
All that we call ideal in Greek or any other art, because to us it is false and visionary, was, to the makers of it, true and existent.
For many, the icon of the British Museum is the Rosetta Stone, that administrative by-product of the Greek imperial adventure in Africa.
I think the Greek New Testament is the strongest and most successful misreading of a great prior text in the entire history of influence.
The Greek word for "return" is nostos. Algos means "suffering." So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.
If the ethical - that is, social morality- is the highest ... then no categories are needed other than the Greek philosophical categories.
The Greek word for idiot, literally translated, means one who does not participate in politics. That sums up my conviction on the subject.
To be really mediæval one should have no body. To be really modern one should have no soul. To be really Greek one should have no clothes.
Isocrates was in the right to insinuate, in his elegant Greek expression, that what is got over the Devil's back is spent under his belly.
The Macedonian people and their kings were of Greek stock, as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine to testify.
The world, which the Greeks called Beauty, has been made such by being gradually divested of every ornament which was not fitted to endure.
My father is Chinese, Spanish, and Filipino; my mother is half-Irish and half-Japanese; Greek last name; born in Hawaii, raised in Germany.
My mother is Greek and my father is Bulgarian. I am a first-generation American and native Los Angeleno. I was born and raised in Hollywood.
I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. My favorite goddess is Artemis. She's strong and reminds me of Katniss, the heroine of 'The Hunger Games.'
Aristotle is the last Greek philosopher who faces the world cheerfully; after him, all have, in one form or another, a philosophy of retreat.
Sometimes bad luck hits you like in an ancient Greek tragedy, and it's not your own making. When you have a plane crash, it's not your fault.
The squid is so cooperative. Its body forms a tube that can be stuffed with marvelous fillings. You don't have to be Greek to enjoy this one.
Even philosophers will praise war as ennobling mankind, forgetting the Greek who said: 'War is bad in that it begets more evil than it kills.'
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
I know that each one of us travels to love alone, alone to faith and to death. I know it. I've tried it. It doesn't help. Let me come with you.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, we have always felt that there was a close relationship between a strong, vital mind and physical fitness.
Here Greek and Roman find themselves alive along these crowded shelves; and Shakespeare treads again his stage, and Chaucer paints anew his age.
Aspiring writers should read the entire canon of literature that precedes them, back to the Greeks, up to the current issue of The Paris Review.
American culture is kind of a universal culture, I guess. It's things Greeks grew up with, common references you can use. It's very interesting.
We're not mere spectators, or a cosmic accident, or some sideshow, or the Greek chorus to the main event. The human experience IS the main event.
I said it in Hebrew—I said it in Dutch— I said it in German and Greek; But I wholly forgot (and it vexes me much) That English is what you speak!