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The Greek word for Christ is Kristos, which is, let's face it, Krishna, and Kristos is the same name actually.
The sense of this word among the Greeks affords the noblest definition of it; enthusiasm signifies 'God in us.'
Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing. In South America they throw flowers to you. In Greece Greeks throw themselves.
Each man is capable of doing one thing well. If he attempts several, he will fail to achieve distinction in any.
There is a Greek word that is called "Praxis" and that means the integration of your beliefs with your behavior.
Politics is made up of two words: "Poli," which is Greek for "many," and "tics," which are bloodsucking insects.
In modern Greek history, there is a close relationship between national humiliation and political radicalization.
Whatever, in fact, is modern in our life we owe to the Greeks. Whatever is an anachronism is due to mediaevalism.
Now, we live in an age where we have so much information that we do tend to overload. The Greeks did too, though.
The Greeks have snatched up their spears. They have pointed the helms of their ships Toward the bulwarks of Troy.
You can be a Polish American, or an Arab American, or a Greek American but you can't be English American. Why not?
Romance, in its earliest surviving form, was called ‘erotika pathemata’ by the Greeks - tales of erotic suffering.
We are only geometricians of matter; the Greeks were, first of all, geometricians in the apprenticeship to virtue.
Ever since the Greeks, we have been drunk with language! We have made a cage with words and shoved our God inside!
That is a very good question. I don't know the answer. But can you tell me the name of a classical Greek shoemaker?
'Doctor Who' was the first mythology that I learned, before ever I ran into Greek or Roman or Egyptian mythologies.
You can be a German, you can be a Greek or a Spanish or a Japanese etc, but your true nation is the whole humanity!
If it is true that the violin is the most perfect of musical instruments, then Greek is the violin of human thought.
If I was a Greek citizen I'd be out there trying to bring down this monstrosity that has been put upon those people.
The Greeks understood that mind and body must develop in harmounious proportions to produce a creative intelligence.
The question of the composition of perceptible objects is one which already occupied the mind of the ancient Greeks.
And Numenius, the Pythagorean philosopher, expressly writes: 'For what is Plato, but Moses speaking in Attic Greek.'
We should not be borrowing money from the Chinese to bail out the Greeks. What's coming next? Intergalactic bailouts?
Mankind became hysterical in the Middle Ages because it poorly repressed the sexual impressions of its Greek boyhood.
Slowly but surely, we are decreasing unemployment and we are restoring confidence to the future of the Greek economy.
One meets the cat in nearly all forms of art...curiously enough she is not a conspicuous figure in Roman or Greek art.
My first job was a Greek tragedy, and ever since, one job just seemed to roll onto the next. I've been terribly lucky.
If you go back to the Greeks and Romans, they talk about all three - wine, food, and art - as a way of enhancing life.
It's ironic that Olympic spectators will never have seen Yiannis Kouros, the greatest Greek athlete since Pheidippides
How can any educated person stay away from the Greeks? I have always been far more interested in them than in science.
Who lent the Greeks the most money? It was German banks, and for a long time, they were profiting from it quite nicely.
You know, it is said that we Greeks are a fervent and warm blooded breed. Well, let me tell you something - it is true.
The modern haematologist, instead of describing in English what he can see, prefers to describe in Greek what he can’t.
What's so wonderful about ballet is that it's mind-driven physicality. It's almost a Greek ideal of body, mind, and form.
My father was Greek, but he turned French during the war, and my mother was French. So I'm French, but I have Greek blood.
Despite the deep reforms we are making, traders and speculators have forced interest rates on Greek bonds to record highs.
Genetically, I'm pure Greek. Psychologically, environmentally, culturally, by choice, I'm a member of the black community.
Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.
Among the conservative Greek opinion there would be no regrets that Alexander the Greek leader was invading the barbarians.
Greek philosophy seems to have met with something with which a good tragedy is not supposed to meet, namely, a dull ending.
Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind.
Do you have any Greek in you? That was just a tactful way of asking if you're pregnant. If you're not, then let's break up.
In addition to English, at least one ancient language, probably Greek or Hebrew, and two modern languages would be required.
Leaves are the Greek, flowers the Italian, phase of the spirit of beauty that reveals itself through the flora of the globe.
The world no doubt is the best or most serviceable schoolmaster; but the world's curriculum does not include Latin and Greek.
Life to most Greeks may be either tragic or comic or a mixture of both; but one thing it never is - and that is, meaningless.
It's only very recently that women have succeeded in entering those professions which, as Muses, they typified for the Greeks
So it won't be a surprise when the Greek default actually happens and we expect it one way or the other to be relatively soon.
Blaming speculators as a response to financial crisis goes back at least to the Greeks. It's almost always the wrong response.
To make Christianity a private affair while banishing all privacy is to relegate it to the rainbow's end or the Greek Calends.