The world won't step into its greatness until we step into ours.

When the legends die, the dreams end; there is no more greatness.

Greatness is the willingness to choose in the midst of intensity.

Greatness comes by beginning something that doesn't end with you.

In ways to greatness think on this, That slippery all ambition is

Jokes? There are no jokes. The truth is the funniest joke of all.

Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be.

The essence of greatness is the perception that virtue is enough.

none are fit judges of greatness but those who are capable of it.

When you focus on your greatness you elevate everyone around you.

Greatness is to stay humble when the whole world calls you great!

Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.

One can rarely achieve greatness on the path of least resistance.

It is the age that forms the man, not the man that forms the age.

To see the greatness of a mountain, one must keep one's distance.

Greatness of any kind has no greater foe than a habit of drinking.

Goodness does not consist in greatness, but greatness in goodness.

Greatness in the kingdom of God is measured in terms of obedience.

Tap into that one fear that drives greatness - the fear of regret.

The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it.

The act of facing overwhelming odds produces greatness and beauty.

Big Dreams Ccreate the Magic that Stir Men's Souls to Greatness...

The greatness of Americans is that we are mosaic - we are diverse.

Dare to go forward. Courage is the mark of greatness in leadership

I don't think being undefeated is going to determine my greatness.

The hallmark of excellence, the test of greatness, is consistency.

It's not about your greatness as an architect, but your compassion

Each part of a great painting should in itself be a great painting.

The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth.

It is but the littleness of man that seeth no greatness in trifles.

Some people are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them

Doing justice to the work is your task, not setting a world record.

There's hope a great man's memory may outlive his life half a year.

Great men are among the best gifts which God bestows upon a people.

If we cannot see the possibility of greatness, how can we dream it?

A certain excessiveness seems a necessary element in all greatness.

Success is born out of arrogance, but greatness comes from humility.

Success in war underpins the claims to greatness of many presidents.

Success in war underpins the claims to greatness of many presidents.

It takes a certain courage and a certain greatness to be truly base.

I'm headed towards greatness. I think I'm making history in hip-hop.

Listening is a master skill for personal and professional greatness.

A vote for Donald J. Trump is a vote for renewed American greatness.

You treat people with greatness and greatness will come back to you.

The first key to greatness is to be in reality what we appear to be.

Everything great is not always good, but all good things, are great.

When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.

Before we acquire great power we must acquire wisdom to use it well.

Reagan is the Republican FDR, an exemplar of presidential greatness.

Greatness, once fallen out with fortune, must fall out with men too.

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