In reading, you sense the divine: the things that are larger and greater and more mysterious than yourself.

Economic growth is not sustainable without nation-building and, even of greater importance, state building.

You are more than you appear to be - Life is greater than you have ever known it - The best is yet to come.

A man who always speaks the truth wholeheartedly is greater than those who do penance and deeds of charity.

There is nowhere I encounter greater understanding for Israel's existential issues than in the Oval Office.

The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.

Armed and law-abiding citizens are a greater deterrent to violent crime than 1,000 laws passed by Congress.

There are no bystanders in life [...] Our humanity makes us each a part of something greater than ourselves.

Fairy tales, which teach a moral lesson, are about ourselves. Myth deals with forces greater than ourselves.

All of us deserve a greater peace of mind, knowing that our children are better protected wherever they are.

There is no loneliness greater than the loneliness of a failure. The failure is a stranger in his own house.

Some think they are seeking their own soul's truth but the greater Soul is thinking and seeking through them

Every great device, gadget, electric car, and robot would be even greater if batteries didn't suck so badly.

The destiny of our society is yours to make and you have a vastly greater importance to the world than we do.

Your calamity was sent to bring you back to the Quran. But the greater calamity is that you missed the point.

Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education.

There is no greater joy than that of feeling oneself a creator. The triumph of life is expressed by creation.

Do we not all spend the greater part of our lives under the shadow of an event that has not yet come to pass?

Entrepreneurs love to view risk as binary. The more you put on the line, the greater the potential for reward.

What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?

You're only as good as your team, so if your team's strong around you, it just puts you in a greater position.

We do not hate as long as we still attach a lesser value, but only when we attach an equal or a greater value.

The greater and more persistent your confidence in God, the more abundantly you will receive all that you ask.

Man must be disappointed with the lesser things of life before he can comprehend the full value of the greater.

No one has been a greater advocate for the power of love in this world than I; both in my life and in my music.

I see possibilities in everything. For everything that's taken away, something of greater value has been given.

To insult someone we call him 'bestial. For deliberate cruelty and nature, 'human' might be the greater insult.

I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be.

It is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.

Good writers are often excellent at a hundred other things, but writing promises a greater latitude for the ego.

The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do.

The world is far more interconnected today. Hence the need to understand each other is greater than ever before.

The future is of greater interest to me than the past, since that is where I intend to spend the rest of my life.

Even the accomplished suffers setbacks sometimes. The more bitter the lessons, the greater the successes will be.

I am not a hound; I am an attention-seeker. Very different animal. My kind of attention requires greater finesse.

Writers are historians, too. It is in literature that the greater truths about a people and their past are found.

The greater absurdities are, the more strongly they evince the falsity of that supposition from whence they flow.

Nothing so soothes our vanity as a display of greater vanity in others; it make us vain, in fact, of our modesty.

There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.

No greater privilege than I had as a soldier and then as a spymaster and to some degree now in the business world.

What greater value could you possibly have than to be delighted in and sacrificed for by the Maker of the universe.

There is no greater name for a leader than mother or father. There is no leadership more important than parenthood.

He who attends to his greater self becomes a great man, and he who attends to his smaller self becomes a small man.

Doubtless, the life of an Irregular is hard; but the interests of the Greater Number require that it shall be hard.

Next to religion, baseball has had a greater impact on our American way of life than any other American institution.

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.

We love in another's soul whatever of ourselves we can deposit in it; the greater the deposit, the greater the love.

Obviously, the greater the length of a war the higher is likely to be the number of casualties in it on either side.

The best are led to make greater demands upon themselves. As for those who succumb, they did not deserve to survive.

When you're in a pocket with low vaccination rates, that's when you find yourself at greater risk of getting measles.

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