When something actually shocks me, that's when you know it's a great topic.

I know a lot is expected of me, but I'm surrounded by some great teammates.

The great thing as an actor is that I don't know what my agent is going to call me with next.

Everything I've written is based on something that has happened to me or something that I know a great deal about.

I didn't know if I could act, but I knew I could be a great ballet dancer, and Balanchine put out the carpet for me.

I think I'm like the kid who loved hip hop, and all of a sudden - I don't know what it was - it started to put me in positions to do great things.

To make this announcement fills me with great sadness, but I know I have been blessed in so many ways to have experienced what I have with the England rugby team.

I don't know, 'Zorro' was just so great for me because, knowing where I came from, everyone spoke Spanish to me, like, forever after that. And I'm, like, from Wales.

I'm as anxious as any viewer would be to see what Temple is going to do next. All I know is that in the second half of the season, he's going to have more sexual tension developing. And it's a great cast - they're all Broadway actors except for me. I aspire to that.

As a child, I had a serious illness that lasted for two years or more. I have vague recollections of this illness and of my being carried about a great deal. I was known as the 'sick one.' Whether this illness gave me a twist away from ordinary paths, I don't know; but it is possible.

Shakespeare was the thing that started me off on that train, you know, and every one of his plays. There are so many different characters, and the wonderful thing about being in an all-girls school was I got to play them all, you know. So I got to play Mercutio and Oberon and Malvolio - it was great.

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