Failure is a great learning tool.

It was a great learning experience to work with James Stewart.

Working with Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani was a great learning experience.

I see travelling as a great learning process, and my biggest dream is to travel the world.

Having worked with Amitabh Bachchan was an exhilarating as well a great learning experience.

I know my first years sitting on the bench, largely behind Rickey Green, was a great learning tool for me.

There are many things that you just observe while watching Steyn. Just seeing him bowl is a great learning in itself.

I loved making Pure Country. It was a great learning experience for me, seeing another part of the entertainment industry.

'One Tree Hill' was a great learning opportunity for me, and I'm excited to go and apply that elsewhere and see where I end up.

When Ajay was shooting 'U, Me Aur Hum,' I helped him out with the production. It was a great learning experience being behind the camera.

I went through college while working a full-time manual-labor job, and I don't regret a minute of it; it was a great learning experience.

I don't regret doing any of my films. All of them have been great learning experiences, and they have contributed to making me what I am today.

It was a great learning experience to work with all the stalwarts associated with 'Beyond the Clouds.' It's indeed a strong team to be working with.

That is not enough. Sport has been great for me, a great learning place that if you want to achieve you can, even if you are from the poorest part of Africa.

The entire experience of 'Sonali Cable' has been beautiful. It has been a long journey for me, both physically and emotionally and a great learning experience.

It does not require great learning to be a Christian and be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God.

When I talk to film students, I always say, 'Buy the DVDs and listen to the commentaries, look at the making of, look at the behind-the-scenes,' because that's such a great learning tool.

I had no expectations about fatherhood, really, but it's definitely a journey I'm glad to be taking. Number one, it's a great learning experience. When my mother told me it's a 24/7 job, she wasn't kidding.

My life path has been a blessing and a great learning experience. Skateboarding is my passion and I don't see that changing. When I'm not skating, I love to surf. I'm open to the new experiences and opportunities.

Even though I always knew I had a good nose for fragrances, the process of creating my own, 'Alive,' turned out to be a great learning experience for me. And the name explains my reason behind it. Smelling good makes you feel alive.

Back in 2005, we lost in the semi-final of the World Cup and that was a great learning curve for the team. It gave us a goal and even more of a hunger to win the World Cup, so we went away and set ourselves a long-term plan to do it.

Having photographed the landscape for a number of years and specifically working with trees and in the forest I found, without consciously thinking about it, that it was a great learning experience for me in terms of organizing elements.

Irregularity and want of method are only supportable in men of great learning or genius, who are often too full to be exact, and therefore they choose to throw down their pearls in heaps before the reader, rather than be at the pains of stringing them.

Obviously, I've been on sets before but nothing as big as 'Twilight.' You forget sometimes that you're on set of one of the biggest movies ever- so when you just sit back and think about it its just so incredible. It's such a great learning experience.

Not only did I get to play with these great international musicians, but I also had the opportunity to jam with the local celebrities in Toronto, people like the Walsh Brothers, David Wilcox, Kim Mitchell and the like. It was a great learning experience.

I guess I'm a good manager now. Moreover, I'm loving the concept of donning the producer's hat. It's all very exciting as well as a great learning experience. You're a part of a film right from its conception to its execution, and that's an amazing feeling.

Approaching my second novel was, admittedly, a bit of a struggle. But having an amazing team at Atheneum Books, especially my very patient, brilliant editor Namrata Tripathi, took a stressful situation and turned it into a really great learning experience for me.

'Cold Case' was fun. It was a fun experience. That was right when I was cutting my teeth as a TV actor. It was a great learning experience to work on really fast-paced television shows that are very high quality. It was a place where I learned that I had to keep up and I could keep up.

I started to respect older actors when I was young and then contemporary actors later on. Then I learned respect for comedy. When I was first doing theatre, I thought of it as just a means to become Sarah Bernhardt or someone like that. But acting with young people has been a great learning experience.

And the thing about me is, I have a lot of mellow songs, because they're the easiest for me to write. I wanted to try to make some more upbeat songs, so, I ended up gravitating toward writing songs with friends, which was a great learning process, and also we came up with great songs. Those are the songs that came out the most naturally.

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