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Act with kindness but do not expect gratitude.
Today should always be our most wonderful day.
Cherish yesterday, Dream tomorrow, Live today.
When in doubt, always choose love & gratitude.
Don't 'just do it.' First, plan it, then do it.
The importance of gratitude is never forgotten.
Gratitude will make a man do incredible things.
Gratitude is what starts the receiving process.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy.
Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.
If I only have the will to be grateful, I am so.
L.I.F.E. = Living Inspired & Fulfilled Everyday.
Let no day go by without counting your blessing.
A garden isn't meant to be useful. It's for joy.
ThanksGiving is good but ThanksLiving is better.
No matter what is going on, everything is grace.
Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art.
Gratitude is a lively sense of benefits to come.
Happiness is a kind of gratitude and vice versa.
Anxiety and gratitude cant live in the same head
Gratitude is a choice. Happiness is an attitude.
I feel a whole lot of gratitude for having hits.
Gratitude is a burden upon our imperfect nature.
He is not rich, that enjoyeth not his own goods.
Generosity and gratitude are inseparably linked.
Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
No gesture is too small when done with gratitude.
Appreciation can make a day - even change a life.
Gratitude is a flower that blooms in noble souls.
Today, let us swim wildly, joyously in gratitude.
The best place to begin is always with gratitude.
Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.
I hope kids feel gratitude for what they do have.
Men are slower to recognize blessings than evils.
Don't overload Gratitude; if you do, she'll kick.
It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich!
Praise, or gratitude, is love or faith in action.
You can't have ego and gratitude at the same time.
Gratitude and opportunity create more of the same.
His gratitude widened his smile and bent his back.
In Hollywood gratitude is Public Enemy Number One.
The healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude.
Beautiful light is born of a contrast to darkness.
I have loved the principle of beauty in all things.
From the moment we expect gratitude, we forfeit it.
It's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates.
There is no such thing as a problem without a gift.
Gratitude is not a normal feature of political life.
I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.
Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends.